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“How are you feeling?” he asked worriedly, wondering in the back of his mind if he had gone too far, while simultaneously wondering why he had waited so long to have a woman who had blown his mind so much and made him feel better than any woman ever had.

“Amazing. I’ve never felt like this before,” she answered with a blissful smile. “I loved it. I’m so glad we shared that.”

“So am I,” he answered, returning her smile.

They were quiet for a while, holding one another, and then she told him she was going to take a shower. She left him sitting in the hot water alone beneath the stars, and he watched her as she climbed out of the tub and went into the cottage. The sight of her nude body made him hard again, and he closed his eyes, telling himself for a moment that he had satisfied that urge and that it probably shouldn’t happen again.

A minute later—he hadn’t thought it was even possible—he was even harder than he had been before, and he climbed out of the tub and went into the bathroom to find her. She stood there in the billowing steam, hot water coursing over her dark skin as white bubbles made their way slowly over her curves. She turned to look at him as he stepped into the shower with her.

“I need you again…” he said in a soft voice, his eyes locked on hers as his hands molded over her firm breasts.

“Then have me again,” she smiled at him, leaning up to kiss him. It was only moments before he was inside her again, filling her, moving in and out of her, creating a fire that neither one of them could escape from as they both cried out again with their orgasms, holding tightly to one another, and kissing hungrily.

The shower ended, and he took her hand and led her to his bedroom. She went happily with him. She had had no idea what it would be like if they were ever together, but the reality of making love with him had never been in her imagination as good or as hot and passionate as it was in person. She felt as if she had tried some kind of drug and was immediately addicted to it. There was no sliver of regret or remorse in her anywhere. She had wanted him just as much as he had wanted her, and no matter what happened afterward, they had shared what was without a question or a doubt the most incredible sexual experience she had ever known.

He wrapped her in his arms as they lay down together on his bed, and in no time at all, they had fallen asleep, skin on skin, arms and legs entangled as lovers do. The night passed peacefully with them both curled against one another.

When Eva opened her eyes in the morning, it was because the savory scent of breakfast being cooked roused her from her sweet dreams. She looked around and saw that she was alone in the bed, and Derrick was nowhere to be seen. She listened carefully and smiled as she realized that it was him cooking breakfast.

The aroma of coffee made her smile, and she sat up and leaned against the pillows stacked up on the headboard. A few minutes later, Derrick walked into the room with a tray laden with food, juice, coffee, and even a small arrangement of tropical blooms that smelled as sweet as they looked.

“You cooked breakfast for us?” she asked in amazement as she took in the sight of him. He was wearing only boxer shor

ts, and his hair was wet and tousled from having showered earlier. He gave her a lopsided grin.

“Well, I might be a billionaire, and I may have a staff who does a lot of my cooking, but there are times when I’m left to my own devices and I have had to learn to be resourceful. In these instances, it has proven to be to my benefit to learn to toss a few things around in a pan or two and come out with a pretty decent breakfast. Here we have cheesy scrambled eggs, perfect bacon, toast, jam, butter, and fresh cut local fruit. I’m not sure what that one is, but it tastes amazing, and we have coffee and juice. I can make something else if you don’t like this…” he trailed off, his eyes searching her face as he smiled at her.

She shook her head. “No, this is incredible, and it’s perfect! I love all of it. Thank you so much! I’m starving!”

They ate together, and when they were done, he set the tray on the dresser and came back to the bed, snuggling up next to her. She leaned up away from him when he wrapped his arm around her, and when she looked back over her shoulder at him, she saw some kind of worry in his eyes.

“Oh god… Eva… I don’t know what to say,” he began. She was worried for a moment that he regretted it, but his words took her worries away. “Did we go too far last night? Did we do anything that you didn’t want to do? I hope you didn’t do any of that just to please me, just because you thought I wanted it and you felt obligated to do any of it…”

She realized what he was thinking then, and she shook her head and leaned over, kissing him slowly and tenderly until he moaned softly. She raised her lips from him then and looked down at him with a smile. “No, we did everything that we both wanted to do. Or at least, almost everything. There are still things that I want to do with you that we haven’t done yet…” She laughed softly and moved her mouth from his lips down his chest, over his stomach and to his groin, nibbling and biting at his light skin as she went, until she was nestled in between his legs, her fingers stroking his erection as he groaned quietly.

Eva ran the tip of her tongue along the length of his shaft, and over and around the head of him, kissing and sucking gently as she began to stroke him faster, and he began to move with her. She closed her mouth around him fully then, sliding him over her tongue and down her throat until he was crying out loud with overwhelming pleasure. He gripped the pillows around him, his eyes locked on her as he watched her bring him almost to his climax, but just before his release overtook him, he pulled himself from her mouth.

“Not yet!” he said anxiously, “Not yet… my turn, baby.” He pulled her up toward him on the bed and laid her on her back, pushing her thighs apart and burying his face in between them. His lips, his tongue, and his teeth worked her over until she had cum for him a few times, and after one particularly big orgasm, he lifted his mouth from her body and moved himself up in between her legs, pushing his erection deeply into her as they both gasped with passion.

They moved and wrestled in the sheets as one, turning and tossing and rocking together, until at last they both came again, and finally somewhat sated, they both lay back on the sheets and thick pillows and held one another.

He gazed at her and stroked his fingers over her hair and her face. “I can’t tell you what a relief it is to have you this way. God, I’ve wanted this with you since I met you, and seeing you every day… the way you dress, the way you move and talk and… just… everything about you turns me on. No one turns me on as fast or as much as you. No one. I’ve wanted you so many times, and I’ve had to stop myself and look away and talk myself out of making a move on you. Now… it’s the strangest thing. Here we are alone, we’re on this tropical island, and suddenly, you’re with me, and I can have you. I’m going to keep having you like this until I can’t move anymore.”

He was serious; she could see it in his eyes and hear it in his voice. Wrapping her legs around his, she kissed him softly and looked at him blissfully. “Please… please do that. Do exactly that,” she begged as he grinned at her and closed his mouth over hers, pulling her back on top of his body again.

The whole day was spent in each other’s arms, with intermittent moments of interruption when they ate or showered, but even in the shower, they couldn’t keep away from one another. That night, it was the same, and they made love over and over again in his bed, or wherever they happened to be, finding pleasure in each other’s bodies, finding pleasure in giving pleasure to each other, and forgetting that there was a world outside of the cottage where they were.

The day after that, they left the cottage and went swimming in the sea, only to lose their clothes and make love in the ocean waves and on the beach. He took her on a motorcycle ride around the island, and they hiked through some of the thick tropical jungle, only to be caught in a heavy rain, and they peeled one another’s wet clothes off, hidden in the thick growth of nature, and made love out in the wild, pouring rain.

They went to a club and went dancing that night, and they hadn’t been dancing long when their wandering hands and deepening kisses burned them with such desire that he pulled her into a dark corner, lifted her dress, and slipped her panties down just enough that he could enter her and lose himself in her, gripping her tightly to him as their passion became a bonfire and they found release together, just barely out of sight of everyone else in the club.

They discovered that him taking her in public the way he had only made them want each other more, and their hunger for one another grew. It was almost as if the more of each other that they had and shared, the more they wanted, like an addiction to a drug. When it was time to fly back to New York City, they were both dazed by the blazing hot passions that they had shared so much on the island.

He watched her sleeping on the airplane, wanting to wake her, wanting to kiss her, to taste her, to talk with her and look into her eyes, wanting to hear her thoughts and know what she was feeling, and he realized that he was feeling too much for her. He had never wanted a woman the way that he wanted her; he had never needed a woman that way, and it was powerful enough that it intimidated him a little bit. He stared out of the window, watching the familiar east coast get closer to Manhattan. Closer to real life. Closer to the world where he was the billionaire, engaged to another woman, and having an affair with his private secretary. It seemed ugly to him then, the whole sordid affair, and he knew that he wasn’t going to be able to keep up the charade. He knew he was going to have to cut it off.

Eva woke up and smiled at him, leaning over to kiss him. He closed his eyes and let her lips move sweetly over his for a moment, breathing her in and tasting her, but then he leaned back from her and gave her a serious look.

“We have to talk,” he said in a quiet voice.
