Page 11 of The Prettiest Woman

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I would have preferred to go home but I decided that it was worth my time. He was going to pay for dinner and pay me. I could sit through another hour and a half of his boringness for cash.

“Sure, I would love to.”

“Cool, we can head down the street to Tamarinds. It’s a really nice little Thai restaurant on Wabash.”

“That sounds like a plan. I’m a fan of that place.”

We walked a few blocks to the restaurant and took our seats. I looked at my watch and silently prayed that I would be on my way home by five.

“I know that this is unmanly of me but I love their Sweet Riesling. I’m going to get a bottle.” he said with delight.

“Knock yourself out.” I said.

I personally preferred red wine but he was buying so I would put up with whatever it was.

When the server came, he ordered for the both of us. I tried to keep a straight face and then I understood why Jessica ate before she went out on her dates. He ordered us

different rolls of sushi and some pad Thai to share. I hated sushi, and their pad Thai wasn’t the best.

“This small place has such good food.” he said as he scarfed down the rolls. I tried not to look at him with disgust but I wasn’t so sure if it was working. The only thing that was getting me through the dinner was the too sweet wine at the table. I ate a small plate of the noodles and drank and drank some more. We went through two bottles of wine. He spent the entire dinner talking about his glory days. He seemed like an overgrown child.

After he’d finished annihilating all of the food he said, “We should have one more drink before we hit the road.”

I was a little annoyed but if one more drink was what it took for him to give me hundred more dollars, then I would have another drink. We walked over to the bar and he ordered another drink, I had water.

“You know I’m really enjoying myself right now.” he said.

“I’m glad. I’m enjoying myself, too.” I lied.

“I could see myself having a woman like you on my arm from time to time. You’re quiet, demure and hot. That’s just the way that I like them. So why are you single?”

“Honestly, I haven’t really had much time to date.”

I realized that it was the first time he’d asked a question about me since we first had coffee. He was very self-centered. I wondered if all rich men were that way. Maybe they were like that because they were used to everyone catering to their every whim. Now I knew why rich wives seemed so damned miserable. They had husbands who only thought of themselves. The world can be lonely when you only have Burberry scarves to keep you warm.

“Oh right, all you do is work. What a waste.” he said as he slowly looked my body up and down. I suddenly wished that I wore loose fitting jeans and t-shirt. There was no way I was letting him get his grubby hands on me. I could see the debauchery running through his mind. Ew.

“I don’t think it’s a waste at all. It’s my life and I have to make sure that I’m taken care of.”

“Oh you’re one of those independent black women?”

I scrunched my face up, “I’m a black woman that has had to take care of herself. If that’s what you mean, then yes.”

“Well, it will be my job to help alleviate your stress.”

He leaned in and tried to kiss me, I quickly moved away so that he missed his mark. I stared at him in shock. His expression mirrored mine.

“I’m sorry but I don’t kiss on the first date.” I said in an attempt to spare his feelings.

I could see his ears starting to get red, “You’ll do what I tell you do.”

“I’m sorry? Okay, it’s clear that you’ve had a little too much to drink. You can’t be thinking clearly.”

He pulled out his wallet, “Okay how much do you want? There is a nearby hotel that we can go to. Is $500 okay?”

It took me a few moments to gather myself. I couldn’t be extremely upset because I put myself in a position to be disrespected. But I got to choose how far I allowed it to go.

“I’m not that kind of woman.”
