Page 20 of The Prettiest Woman

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“Corporate is doing random audits of different locations and we got chosen. So we need a

ll hands on deck in our department. I’m going to need you to come in for an extra ten hours a week for the next two weeks.”

I kept my face as neutral as possible. Inside I was freaking out because I didn’t have an extra ten hours in my week to give.

“Will I be able to schedule these hours and do they have to be a part of the normal workday?”

“Good question. But I need you here during the work day. I’m sure that you don’t have class from 9-5 right?”

“Right.” I said hesitantly. I wanted to tell him that I had another job, but I couldn’t. I portrayed myself as a college kid with no other responsibilities when he hired me. I didn’t want him to nix me out of the interview process because I had another job.

“Great. Make sure you see Megan today and give her your available hours. She’ll schedule them in before you leave. You’re doing a great job with my presentation. Get as much of it as you can done today and then we’ll put it on the back burner until this blows over.”

“Yes sir.” I said tightly.

“Alright, enjoy your day.”

“You too.” I said meekly as I got up and walked out of his office. The only way that I was going to be able to pull off the extra ten hours was if I skipped class. That was the only time in my schedule that I would be able to fit in a few hours. Taking off of my regular job wasn’t an option because I needed the money. It wouldn’t be the end of the world for me but I hated skipping class with a passion.

My date with Vincent was looking better and better. I silently hoped that he would make my life a little bit easier. Then I scolded myself for being a gold digger.


“It’s happening! It’s happening!” Jessica exclaimed when she burst into my room.

“What are you doing here? I thought that you were supposed to be out with Steve.” I said.

“I ended our date early so that I could be here with you. I wanted to help you pick the perfect outfit, and prep you before you go. I have a really good feeling about this one, so I’m going to help you not screw it up.”

“Gee thanks.”

“Anything for you, my love.”

“Do you know that I realized that I don’ t have anything to wear. My closet is depressing, so I’m just going to wear my red dress.”

“No you’re not going to wear that dress. I like it but it’s not what you’ll be wearing tonight.”

“I don’t have anything!” I said in frustration.

“That’s what my closet is for, so shut up and follow me. There will be no more whining tonight. We have two hours to get you together because what you have going on right now is not working.”

“I don’t know if I should be offended or not.”

“Be very offended because you look a mess.”

“I don’t look a mess.”

“What the hell have you been doing today? You should have started getting ready hours ago.”

“I don’t know. I was watching TV and got caught up.” I said.

“What’s going on with you?”

“I don’t know.”

“Tell me.”

“I feel like a gold digger. I’m second guessing if I should go.”
