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“Yep, I got you a wonderful pair of red bottoms. I already had a pair but I looked at that them anyway so that I could give them to you. Wearing the same shoe size has its benefits.” she said as she extended bag to me.

“Are you kidding?”

“Nope, take them they’re yours.”

“Oh my god, Thank you Jess. I wish that I could meet a guy like the one you met. I know that sounds superficial but I could really use a break. I’m tired of worrying about bills.”

Jessica gave a sneaky smile, “Are you sure that’s something you want?”

“Why does he have a friend?”

“Not exactly.”

“A brother?”

“Then what?”

“Promise not tell anyone? I met Steve on a website.”

“You’re on eHarmony?”

“No, I’m on a sugar daddy dating site. All I have to do is date older rich men and in return they give me money and gifts.”

“Get the hell out of here, you can’t be serious.”

“I’m very serious. Don’t knock it till you’ve tried.” she said as she motioned towards her shopping bags.

I was a little disgusted with her, “I don’t know girl, that sounds a bit sleazy. I mean doesn’t that make you a prostitute?”

“I don’t have to have sex with them. I don’t have sex with most of them. You just string the guys along and get as much as you can. They will give you gifts and cash. I’m not going lie, they want sex but you make them wait. Sometimes they’ll give you even more because they’re hoping to get laid. That is the stage that poor ole’ Steve is going through right now.”

“So how long have you been doing this?”

“About a year.”

“A year!! Where have you been hiding your stuff?”

“Well, I was taking a lot of my stuff to storage and banking the rest. I didn’t want to just show up with a bunch of shit and have you asking questions. I was a little embarrassed at first but now I don’t care. I’m happy.”

“How long do you date these men?”

“It really varies; some longer, others shorter. Eventually, they get bored but that’s fine because there’s always another man to take to the cleaners. I just get taken out to a nice restaurant, get the VIP treatment, laugh at their boring jokes and twirl my hair, and then they give me my money. Some of these men even give monthly allowances. I mean like up to 10k a month just for one date per week! I’m still trying to snag one of those.”

I was shocked and appalled. My friend was pretty much whoring herself out for gifts. It was going on right beneath my nose and I’d had no clue. I doubted our friendship a little because she was able to keep that from me for an entire year and we lived together.

“Stop looking like that.” Jessica scolded.

“Stop looking like what?”

“Like you’re hurt. I already know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking “how could she keep this from me? I don’t know her at all.” Just cut it out. We’re still best friends and I still love you. I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you sooner.”

“You think you know me.”

“I do know you.”

“That just doesn’t sound like the type of thing that I would want to do. Although I must admit I’m curious. Are the guys even cute?”

“Some of them can be cute. Steve reminds me of George Clooney, that man is sexy. But honestly, it’s not the norm.”
