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“What are you doing?” I asked myself as I put on my eyeliner. “I’m going on a date with a rich man, and I’m talking to myself like a psycho.” I applied my Barbie pink lipstick from MAC, and headed to my room to get dressed.

I felt like I was operating at a snail’s pace. I grabbed my things looked at myself in the mirror one more time and headed out of the door.


“Well good morning.” my professor said as I walked through the door. I cringed, feeling a little self-conscious. I always looked presentable but it was rare when I dressed up. There wasn’t any use to dressing up daily because I just had to go to the diner. When I did dress up, it was business casual for my internship.

“Good morning.” I mumbled as I headed to my seat.

“I’m sorry have you seen my friend? She looks a lot like you but less…decorated.” my classmate Rodney said.

“Hush up Rodney. Can’t a girl look good sometimes?”

“Shit, I would love it if you could do this every time. Now I’m happy that I got here early, I got a full view of you walking through the door.”

“You are so full of it.”

“I’m just saying, you’re looking good girl.”

“What would you wife think about that sir?”

“Well, my wife isn’t here and I’m still a man. I’m married but I’m not blind.”

I laughed and shook my head, “I swear you make me afraid to get married sometimes.”

“Why? I’m an excellent husband.”

“Yeah, with wandering eyes.”

“All men have wandering eyes.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of. For my sake, I hope you’re wrong.”

He shrugged, “You know I’m always going to keep it real with you, even when it hurts.”

“It doesn’t hurt, it just makes me cautious.”

“Go into everything with two eyes open, baby girl.”

I’d met Rodney a year before and I just knew that he was going to be my man when I saw him. He was chocolate, tall, and had a set of pearly whites that would put Taye Diggs to shame. Our friendship got flirtatious really fast and I felt like an idiot when he told me that he was married. From that point, I kept things strictly friendly, much to his dismay. I have no doubt that I could have kept things going and had something physical but I didn’t want to share another woman’s husband. I wanted a husband of my own and nothing good comes to people that do stuff like that.

Professor Yates cleared his throat, “Alright everyone, you know what time it is. Put everything away and get ready for the test. I hope for your sake that you studied because it’s comprehensive.”

I heard the groans around me and I snickered lightly. I was made for this shit.


I walked out of the building with a smile on my face. I knew I kicked that test’s ass. Lord knows I studied enough. Then a slight grumble in my stomach started. The nervousness set back in, I considered flaking but I willed myself to go to the coffee shop, anyway. I couldn’t go home and tell Jessica that I flaked him out. I had to at least give it chance and I needed the money.

I was a little early so I planned on scoping out a nice table and taking some time to collect myself before he arrived. When I stepped through the door, a man waved at me. He was sitting near the window and already had a cup of iced coffee in his hand. Ugh, he was early too.

I gave him a once over and was severely disappointed which only increased the closer I got to him. He looked to be older than the photos he posted and about thirty pounds heavier. Why do people do that? But I was the sugar baby, so I guess I was the only one that had to look like my pictures.

He extended his chubby hand, “Hi Roxie, it’s nice to meet you.”

I smiled and shook his hand, “It’s nice to meet you, Chris.”

“Do you want something?” He asked.
