Page 2 of Keep Me Safe

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“You propositioned him, didn’t you, Olivia? You’re always coming on to other men,” he hissed before she could sooth his agitation. He took a step closer to her, pressing his hips against hers. She took a small step back. Again, the smile touched his lips. He was enjoying this. She knew he sensed her fear and he liked it.

“I wouldn’t do that, Ethan,” she protested softly as he continued to crowd her. She took another step back then another, slipping from his grasp. Her balance wasn’t good anymore ever since she’d fallen. The fall had ruined her career. Each awkward step made her wince. Walking in the ridiculous stilettos didn’t help. She bumped against the conference table and nearly fell backward upon it.

Ethan reached out to steady her. His fingers were hard against the tender flesh of her arms. “You’re so beautiful,” he murmured as he stared at her. She hoped he would get distracted from his jealousy and simply kiss her. Sometimes kissing diffused the situation – but not tonight. Instead, his fingers tightened, biting into her flesh. “Every man who looks at you wants you. But they can’t have you. You’re mine – only mine.” He bit out the words and his fingers tightened painfully.

Olivia couldn’t meet his gaze so she focused on his chin. She knew the situation was escalating and she had to handle it carefully. “I-I’m sorry, Ethan. I shouldn’t have talked to that guy. I won’t do it again. You know there’s no one else. I was stupid to say anything to anyone. I only want to speak to you.” It was nonsense because she hadn’t done anything wrong but she had to appease him.

Ethan gave her a small shake, forcing her to look up. “Your beauty was created for me, remember? You were designed for my pleasure not that senator’s aide. He can’t begin to understand the deep connection that binds us together. And yet you allowed him to try to tear us apart. Why would you be so unfaithful, Olivia? I’ve told you this over and over. When I saw you perform that first spectacular night I knew you would be mine. But you didn’t understand. That’s why the fates punished you, remember? You used to flaunt your beauty up on stage so every man in the theater would lust after you. You wore those revealing costumes like a whore and you let your dance partner touch parts of your body he had no right to touch as he lifted you into the air.” His tone was growing harder.

Olivia shook her head desperately. They’d had this conversation too many times to count and she’d suffered because of his jealousy every time. “Ethan, it was ballet. Nothing more. No one lusted after me. And Bret Johnson wasn’t interested in me. It was only business, the business of dance, and we were partners -nothing intimate. Nothing more. You have to believe me.”

Ethan's nostrils flared as his eyes chilled over. “He touched you, Olivia. He slid his hands all over your body as I'm doing now. And the senator’s aide would have done the same if you asked him. How can I believe you when all you do is lie to me?” He gave her a hard push and she fell back onto the table. Before she could rise he leaned over her. He Pinned her in place with a hand on either side of her head as his hips ground into hers. “Do you need me to remind you what my touch feels like? I’d be happy to show you right now. Then you’ll forget the stupid senator’s aide and you’ll forget Bret Johnson. I’m the only one who will touch your body. No one else!”

Olivia shook her head. Anger flared within her but she quickly tamped it down. It did no good to argue with him. He would only humiliate her more and heaven help her, she couldn’t bear it if he followed through with his threats to use her body – not here, not like this. “There’s only you, Ethan. I want no other. You are my life,” she whispered brokenly, hating the words as they left her lips.

He stared down at her and she waited for his reaction. Her chest rose and fell with a sense of dread and panic. She didn't dare look away. There was no way to predict what he was thinking or what he might do.

“Fine. We’ll do this later.” He pulled back suddenly and offered her a hand to help her sit. “I want to believe you,” he said stiffly. “But you have to learn your lesson if we’re to be happy together. You have to work harder to make me happy.”

Olivia barely had time to process the words when he slapped her. Her cheek felt like it would explode. Before she had time to recover he slapped her again, so hard her head whipped back and she fell against the table. She stared up at him defiantly as her eyes filled with tears. Thankfully he hadn’t used his fist.

He shook his head and reached for her again. He grimaced when she flinched. With a look of challenge he reached out and patted her bruised cheek. “Olivia, why must we keep having these lessons? They hurt me as much as they hurt you.” He let his fingers caress the side of her throbbing face from her temple down to her chin. It could have been an apologetic gesture but she knew better. He was testing her. Olivia didn't dare move or react or he would dish out more of the same abuse. She braced herself to keep from jerking away. It was difficult to keep from reacting. He pretended to care, and probably thought he loved her in his sick, twisted way. She’d tried fighting him in the beginning but she was no match against his strength. Fighting him now would only make things worse. So she remained where she was on the table and waited.

Again, Ethan’s possessive gaze roamed over her body. She hated how he believed he owned her, and she wished she’d never allowed him to touch her. He was sick. Finally his slow gaze stopped at her face. His expression twisted into something ugly. “You look like a tramp, Olivia. Fix your makeup and hair. I’ll make your excuses until you return. I shouldn't have to warn you, but be sure you talk to no one else tonight – only me.” He turned on his heel and strode from the room. When the door clicked shut Olivia slumped back on the table with a sigh. She gently probed her cheek. It felt hot and bruised. Thankfully she had plenty of makeup to cover the most recent damage.

She curled up in a fetal position on top of the table. Slowly a tear tracked down her face. She was angry and so tired of Ethan. She couldn’t fight him and she couldn’t get away. Her life was a wreck with no solution in sight. How did it ever get this far? If only she’d known in the beginning.

If it was possible, she would simply walk out of the building and keep going. There were a lot of people and maybe she could get someone to help her. But she quickly dismissed the idea. She’d tried to escape him before and he always found her. He tapped into hotel computers, security cameras, traffic cameras. He could track her better than a private investigator – and faster too. When he caught up with her, their reunion was never pleasant. Last time she should have been hospitalized. Instead, he had a doctor check her over at the house, then locked her in her room for three weeks as she recovered. More tears trickled down her face as she realized again there was nothing she could do to escape. She was trapped and no one knew how miserable she was. Her friends were gone. Her parents had no clue because she had to keep the phone conversations light and meaningless – he always listened. She was alone and nothing was ever going to change.

The door creaked open and Olivia sat up quickly expecting to see Ethan. Instead, a small woman in a dark hooded sweatshirt stepped into the room and closed the door behind her. She swept back the hood and Olivia gasped. It was her sister! “Rissa! What are you doing here?”

“I’m getting you away from that spineless piece of crap; let’s go!”


how did you know –“ Olivia asked but Rissa cut her off.

“I’ve known for awhile but we don’t have time to chat. Let’s get out of here.” She reached for the door but Olivia shook her head. Hope flared up but quickly died.

“I can’t,” she answered flatly. No matter how much she wanted to go with Marissa, she couldn’t because Ethan would ruin her sister’s life. He was sadistically creative, and he would take great delight in destroying everything important to Rissa. “He promised he won’t hurt my family as long as I stay with him. I have to protect you.”

“Yes, but he’ll keep hurting you if you stay and we can’t allow that. Now let’s go,” she motioned impatiently.

“You don't understand, Rissa! He’ll find me. I’ve tried to leave him three times.” Olivia's eyes filled with tears again. She hated the person she’d become – weak and fearful. She couldn’t bear the thought of her sister’s life being ruined because of her. She could handle the humiliation and the pain he inflicted as long as she knew he wouldn’t touch her family. “How did you know?” she asked miserably. She didn’t think anyone in her family knew about her shameful pain.

“Black clouds and brown flowers. You sent me that birthday card three months ago and added those colors to the front.”

It had been their secret code when they were kids. Rainbows and hearts meant life was perfect. Black clouds and brown flowers meant things couldn’t get any worse. It had been a feeble cry for help to put it on the birthday card but Marissa had noticed. Ethan didn’t mind a little correspondence as long as she didn’t share anything personal with her family. Even so, she was surprised he’d allowed the card to be mailed. She knew he held back many of her letters.

“I suspected things were bad but I didn’t know how bad until I did a little snooping around. And just now I heard what he said and did to you. It was hard to keep my cool when I heard him slapping you.”

“He didn’t see you, did he?” Olivia asked in horror.

Marissa shook her head. “Nope, I ducked around the corner. Now do you want to sit here forever or do you want to get away from this bast-“

Olivia hopped off the table. “Let’s go!” She still had her doubts that escape was possible but she was willing to try anything. Having her sister's support gave her the courage she thought had died long ago.

Marissa pulled the hood over her blonde hair again. “There are security cameras everywhere and I don’t want him tapping in and getting a look at my face.”
