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Once I was dressed in my ripped shorts and favorite tank that was frayed on the ends I opened the door to find Dean sitting on the edge of the bed strumming his guitar.

He was humming the song and his eyes were closed.

He seemed to be in his own little world and hadn’t even realized I’d come out of the bathroom.

I sat down beside him and his eyes jolted open when the bed dipped with my added weight.

“Keep going¸” I encouraged, “I haven’t heard you play in forever.”

His lips tipped up into a smile.

He’d been playing softly before, but now he played with vigor.

He began to sing too and I broke into laughter when I realized it was a One Direction song.

Only Dean.

He played through the whole song and then set the guitar down by his feet, but held onto the neck.

“Ready to go?” He asked me.

I nodded. “It’ll take me two minutes to get everything back in my bag.”

“I’ll get the car loaded then.” He stood and picked up his guitar before making his way to the door.

I grabbed my journal and pencil from the bedside table and stuffed it into my backpack.

I unplugged my phone from the charger and sent a quick text to my dad telling him we were on the road again and I’d call later.

I scanned the room and bathroom, making sure I hadn’t left anything.

I spotted my hat lying on the chair in the corner and I swiped it up, fitting it into my backpack in case I needed it later.

When I opened the door Dean was making his way back to the room.

“Let me get those.” He jogged forward and grabbed my bags.

Dean was a bit old-fashioned, and what I meant by that was he was the kind of guy who thought he should always hold the door for a woman¸ or in this case, carry the bags.

He set my backpack on the floor of the passenger seat and put my duffle in the trunk with his.

“I’ve gotta go return these.” He held up the room keys, wiggling them between his fingers. “I’ll be right back.”

I sat on the hood of the car while I waited for him. I didn’t want to get in the car just yet since I figured I’d be confined to it for the next few hours.

Dean came out of the building, shaking his head in disbelief.

“What happened?” I called and he looked up. His green eyes were full of confusion.

He tossed a thumb over his shoulder, back towards the office, as he walked. “That woman just hit on me.”

I snorted, unable to control the reaction. “Was it the same one from last night?” I hopped down from the car and toed my shoe against a loose piece of asphalt.

He shook his head. “Nah, a different one. Older.”

“Older?” I cackled. “Got the cougars coming after you now, Dean?” I bumped his arm with my elbow.

He looked horrified, which only made me laugh harder. “Shit, I hope not.” He glanced back like he thought she might be following him. “Hurry up. Let’s go.” He put his hand on my waist and gave me a little shove back towards the car.
