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“I don’t need to look anywhere else,” he whispered, cupping my cheek. “This is the only view I want to look at.”

It was cheesy, but I blushed anyway.

“Please?” I begged, pointing out towards the festival. “I want you to see this.”

His Adam’s apple bobbed and he nodded once.

He slowly turned his head and I watched as his lips parted with awe.

“I can’t believe I was going to miss this,” he confessed.

“I told you to trust me.” I lay my hand over top of his where he grasped the metal bar.

We began to descend and his hands tightened on the bar.

I laid my head on his shoulder, a silent reminder that I was there and I wasn’t going anywhere. Not ever.


It was early evening when we returned to the hotel. I wanted to fall into bed and sleep for three years, but that wasn’t an option. There was something of utmost importance waiting for us.


Willow grumbled when I told her we needed to head to a Laundromat—the hotel was old and didn’t have any washing machines or dryers.

“My clothes don’t smell that bad do they?” She whined.

My lips quirked into a smile and she glared.

“Never mind. Don’t answer that,” she grumbled.

I grabbed my duffle bag and removed the miscellaneous items.

“We’ll put all our dirty clothes in here so we don’t have to drag around two bags.”

She nodded in agreement and started dumping her rumpled clothes in my bag. I had to laugh, because even my dirty clothes were folded neatly.

“That everything?” I asked her before I zipped up the bag.

She nodded and grabbed her backpack. She didn’t seem to go anywhere without it.

We stopped in the lobby for directions to the nearest Laundromat and this time we were greeted by a new receptionist.

Willow didn’t act like a crazy person when this one talked to me.

But the receptionist now was also a guy, so there was that little detail to account for.

“I’m so tired,” Willow groaned when we got into the car and she stretched the seatbelt across her chest. “I never knew a road trip could be so exhausting.”

I chuckled. “And we haven’t even traveled today.”

She made a face. “I hope we don’t have to sleep in the car again.”

I pretended to glare at her. “You mean, sleeping on top of me wasn’t worth it?”

She rolled her pretty blue eyes. “You wish.”

Her lips lifted into a smile and she reached up to touch the necklace now dangling around her neck. I hoped she never took it off.
