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“That’s okay.” I shrugged, taking a bite. They tasted like rubber in my mouth. I hadn’t been able to stomach much the past week.

I chewed and swallowed, repeating the process over and over until all the eggs were gone. I stood and rinsed off my plate while Rebecca went to shower.

I then busied myself by wiping down the counters—paying careful attention to the spot where Rebecca put her coffee cup down, because she always sloshed coffee everywhere and then left the dark liquid to dry in the spot.

When there was nothing left to clean, I folded the blankets I slept under and stacked them and the pillows in the corner out of sight. I didn’t want her living room to constantly look like a bedroom.

I turned the TV on and went through the channels, but nothing held my attention. It was impossible for anything to. My mind was on a constant loop.

Liam. Liam. Liam.

I wondered how he was. What he was doing. If he ever thought of me.

I wondered things I wasn’t allowed to wonder anymore—like if he still loved me, or thought about those few blissful moments that fateful morning.

I had to forget it all. Leave it behind.

But how can you forget an unforgettable love?

It’s simple, you can’t. That’s why it’s called unforgettable. Instead, you have to live with the irrefutable knowledge that you had one great love, and even if it didn’t last long, at least you were lucky enough to experience it. Not a lot of people could say that.

Rebecca opened the bathroom door and took one look at me and let out a disgusted sigh. “Are you seriously going to sit around all day with that pitiful look on your face?”

“I don’t look pitiful,” I defended.

She narrowed her eyes on me and smoothed her hands over her head, pushing down the stray strands trying to escape from her ponytail. “You do. I don’t know why you won’t go talk to him. You’re miserable, and Talia told me that Liam’s miserable. Act like grownups, talk it over, and move on.”

I kept my mouth shut. I couldn’t explain to her why I couldn’t do that, and I didn’t feel like arguing with her.

She grabbed her purse off the rack beside the door and slung it over her shoulder.

“I’m going to run a few errands before I go to work. I’ll see you tonight.”

“What time do you get off?”

She made a face. “I work until closing.”

That was perfect for me; I wouldn’t have to worry about her popping in early.

“That sucks,” I said, trying to sound like I meant it.

“Yeah.” She sighed, opening the door. “Don’t throw a party while I’m gone,” she called over her shoulder.

“No worries there.” I laughed as the door swung closed.

I waited an hour to make sure she wasn’t coming back for any reason before I started organizing my stuff. I didn’t make it look obvious that I was leaving, but I wanted to have everything in order so that I could slip out early in the morning before she got up. There was a bus heading in the direction of Wyoming, leaving at six and I wanted to make sure I was on it.

Thanks to Liam, I had quite the collection of clothes, and thanks to the girls, I’d accumulated a pile of makeup and hair products. Even still, I managed to fit it all in two bags. Looking at those bags made me mad, though. They were the bags my stuff had been packed in and waiting for me when we got back from Hawaii. Seeing them had hurt more than if he had yelled hateful things at me. It was so final. Like he was closing a chapter on a book—one I wasn’t a part of anymore. It shouldn’t have upset me—I told him I was going to leave, after all—but it did, because I was silly and irrational.

When I couldn’t bear being stuck in the apartment another second, I headed out. I didn’t have my bike anymore, but Rebecca’s apartment was located in a busy part of town, so anything I could want was within walking distance.

I found a little café, and I splurged on an iced coffee and cake. I sat by the window, eating the piece of cake, and memories of the impromptu birthday party Liam organized for me assaulted my mind. I wondered how long I’d have to endure everything in my life reminding me of him.


The word rang through my mind.

I really hoped that wasn’t true. Being reminded of Liam was more painful than the fear of Blaise finding me.
