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“You’re lying,” I said again, but my tone was a little more doubtful this time. “My dad was a teacher. He was a good man.”

“I’m sure he was in your childlike eyes,” Blaise crossed one foot over his knee, “but he wasn’t the man you believe him to be. Your father was a gambler, in debt a quarter of a million dollars, and he was also a liar and a cheat. Much like yourself.”

“Shut up. I’m none of those things.” I pulled against my bindings, and my shoulders screamed in protest. I wanted to break my binds and lunge at the man that sat with a smirk on his face. I wanted to wrap my hands around his neck and watch the light leave from his eyes. Maybe he was right, and I was like him, because I knew I’d take pleasure in his death.

“That’s enough, Scarlett. I’m speaking. Felix?” he prompted. “Gag her.”

I glared at him, wishing I had the power to burn him with my gaze alone.

“I hate you,” I told him, “and I will never be yours.”

Felix wrapped the piece of fabric around my mouth, tying it behind my head. I didn’t fight him. If I did, he’d only hurt me, and my body was in enough pain. I didn’t want to be completely disabled. If I could find a way to get out, I would.

Blaise continued on like nothing had happened.

“Soon after Scarlett came into my possession, I knew I wanted her to marry my son when she was older. They’re almost the same age, you see,” he spoke to Liam. “But Scarlett…she put up a fight. She wouldn’t submit to anything I told her as I tried to groom her into a member of the family.”

“What are you? The Mob?” Liam interrupted.

Blaise tilted his head, regarding Liam. “I’m bigger than the Mob.”

Liam’s eyes widened in surprise as if he had only realized exactly what we were dealing with.

“When Scarlett became too defiant, I knew I had to show there was nothing she could go back to.”

I closed my eyes, feeling sick to my stomach with the knowledge of what was to come.

“My men and I took her back to her home where I had her tied to a chair just like this one.” He pointed at me.

“Oh God,” I sobbed against the gag so it came out sounding more like, “Ohgad.”

“And then,” he stood and his shiny black shoes clapped against the floor as he sauntered behind Liam, “I sat both of her parents in front of her just like you are now. And I had two of my men, like these guys, press their guns to their heads.” He made a gun symbol with his hand and shoved the tip of his finger against the back of Liam’s head. “Then, when I told them to, they pulled the trigger. Boom!” He let his hand fall. “I thought that seeing her parents murdered right in front of her would be enough to break her—that being covered in their blood and little pieces of their skull would finally crack that thick one of hers.” He grabbed Liam’s chin and forced his head back so he was looking up at him. “But it wasn’t enough. She failed the biggest test of all and ended up here with you. We’ve been watching you, and I can only hope that your death will be enough to finally break her.”

I saw his Adam’s apple bob and then in a crystal clear, steady voice, Liam said, “Then do it. Kill me. She’s a Tiger, that one, and I can promise you not even my death will be enough to break her. I know she looks small, but that girl… she’s more of a fighter than you. You hide behind your fancy suit and your minions,” I heard Liam chuckle on the last word, “you’re nothing but a coward pretending to be a God.”

Blaise grabbed Liam’s hair in his fist and shoved him upright again. Liam didn’t make a sound, but I knew it must’ve hurt.

“I should kill you right now, just for saying that, but I’m not done talking.”

“You really like to hear yourself talk, don’t you?” Liam antagonized him.

Blaise snarled, his top lip curling up. Before I could blink, he slapped his hand across Liam’s face and then grabbed his neck, squeezing.

I fought against my bounds and screamed into the gag.

Liam. Oh God, Liam!

Liam’s face turned red with lack of oxygen and a vein in his forehead stood out. His eyes slid to me, like if he was dying I was the last thing he wanted to see before he left the Earth.

I tugged on my binds and my arms screamed in protest.

The red started to leave his face, replaced by purple, and panic seized my chest in a vice.

I was crying harder than I’d ever cried before, and thanks to the gag I began to choke.

Blaise finally let go and Liam inhaled a lungful of air. It rasped down his throat and he winced like it was painful to breathe.

