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There was nothing slow, soft, or sweet about that kiss.

Instead, it was hard, bruising, and entirely rough.

I didn’t know any other way to be.

My hands slid from her cheeks and down, down, down her body to settle on her waist. I pushed her back onto the cushions until she was lying flat and my body was pressed on top of hers.

Our lips moved together in sync.

Push and pull.

The ocean and the moon.

I felt the drumming of her heart, the beat of it completely out of control.

I nipped at her bottom lip, and her mouth parted.

My tongue slid inside, and she let out the most perfect moan I’d ever heard. My arousal grew as I ground my hips into hers.

I hadn’t meant to kiss her.


And now that I had I didn’t know if I could stop.

Or if I even wanted to.

I’ve gone and lost my mind.

Her fingers touched my jaw reverently, almost like she was unsure of what to do, and it struck me as odd.

As quickly as I had the thought, it fled, replaced by a deep-seated lust—one I’d been fighting since the moment I saw her.

Her hands slid to my hair and down to my neck as her body arched against mine, pushing her chest against mine. Even without feeling her I could tell she was not wearing a bra.

I deepened the kiss, knowing that I’d have to end it soon, but wanting to push it as far as I could before I did.

I unintentionally moved my hands lower to her hips and had no intentions of going anywhere else with them, but Ari didn’t know that, and it was like a switched was flipped in her.

She shoved at my chest, breaking our kiss immediately, and before I could even inhale a breath, her hand smacked sharply against my cheek.

I pressed a hand to my stinging jaw out of instinct, but I didn’t miss the absolute and overwhelming fear in her eyes.

I’m not talking about fear of spiders or some shit like that. It was much, much worse than that. She looked like she was drowning or suffocating.

She grasped at her chest, pulling in sharp bursts of air.

“I-I-I don’t know what happened. I’m sorry.” The words tumbled out as she looked anywhere but at me. She stood up from the couch quickly, swaying briefly, before scurrying from the room like her ass was on fire.

I sat stunned, my hand still pressed to my cheek as I watched her run up the steps.

Normally I was the one bailing.

This is new.

And I didn’t like it.

Not at all.
