Page 38 of Beauty in the Ashes

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“How do you know about my family?” He roared, jumping off the ledge and stalking towards me. I found myself backing up. “Tell me!”

I flinched from his tone.

I swallowed thickly, moisture clinging to my eyes. “I-I was curious. So, I—uh—Googled you.”

“Haven’t you ever heard the saying, ‘Curiosity killed the cat?’” he pushed me roughly so that my back was against the wall beside the doorway leading to the roof. The brick stung my hands where they’d scraped against the rough surface but I refused to show any sign of pain or emotion. “You had no right to research me like I’m some fucking science experiment. I know what I am, and I know why I’m this way, I don’t need you to save me. I’m beyond saving, Sutton,” he pointed a finger as he pulled himself away from me. Shaking all over, his jaw clenched tightly as he growled, “Stay away from me.”

I turned my head, watching as he roughly swung the door open, and descended down the stairwell.

I knew after that experience I should have finally felt afraid of him, but I didn’t.

If anything, I was only more determined to know him.

I wanted to see him smile again like he had in those photos—and I wanted those smiles to be directed at me.



The door slammed closed behind me and I paced the short length of the apartment. My fingers pulled harshly at the strands of my hair, yanking to the point that I winced in pain.

I had seriously lost my cool and hadn’t been in control of myself.

If I hadn’t left…I feared what I may have done to Sutton.

I hadn’t been prepared for her to know about my family.

Nobody else here

seemed to know—or if they did, they didn’t talk about it. My family’s murders had been a big thing in this area, but it didn’t take long for people to move on, absolving themselves of their fascination, and eventually forgetting all together about the murders.

The fact that she knew scared and exhilarated me all at the same time. It was a strange feeling—like the jitters you get with fear and a dash of adrenaline.

Her knowing what happened meant I didn’t have to hide—I didn’t have to push her away.

I had feared getting too close to someone for so long, because I wasn’t prepared to have to tell them about my family. Besides, my obvious addictions kept women from wanting anything more than a one-night stand.

Sutton had been able to overlook that from the start, I knew it.

Without either obstacle standing in the way of claiming her, what was I waiting for?

I guess I was waiting for fate to step in, tell me I was a fuck up, and I’d never deserve even a moment of happiness that the girl across the hall may bring me.



Rubbing my eyes, I padded across the room, making a beeline for the coffee maker. As soon as the heavenly aroma of coffee filled the air, I felt my body relax. I grabbed a coffee mug I’d recently bought at one of the stores in town that I found oddly fitting, since it declared in big bold letters that GOOGLE IS MY BEST FRIEND.

It was so true.

I hopped up on the counter as I took a careful sip of the hot liquid. I burned my tongue in the process, but I was so desperate for the caffeine rush that I barely noticed.

As I came awake completely, I noticed a piece of paper had been shoved under my door. I tilted my head, the slip instantly piquing my interest—but not enough that I was ready to abandon my spot and the coffee in my hand.

Once all the coffee was gone, I jumped down and grabbed up the paper.

Before I turned it over, I questioned whether or not it was from Caelan.
