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15. Smoke

16. Get a tattoo

17. Learn to pole dance

18. Go skinny dipping

19. Pierce my belly button

20. Fall in love

I knew some of the stuff I had written down was silly, but I still wanted to try them. It was all about the experience and the chance to do something forbidden.

There were so many things I hadn’t been allowed to do and I felt like I had missed out on a ‘normal’ childhood.

I wanted, desperately, to do these things. But I was starting to believe it would never happen. A whole year had passed since I made my Live List and I had only done four things.

True, four was more than zero, but it seemed pretty pathetic to me, compared to all that was left to do.

I read over the items, yet again, nibbling on my bottom lip.

My need, to do these things, was growing restless.

Something inside me was saying it was now…or never.

The dorm room door opened and I hastily stuffed the piece of paper back into my pocket.

Avery dropped her backpack on the floor and promptly pulled her hair up into a ponytail.

I grabbed my textbook off my bed, and placed it in my lap, pretending to be doing my homework so Avery wouldn’t start questioning me about what I had been doing.

I had never explained my list to anyone, let alone shown them, but I was beginning to think differently. Avery was my best friend but I certainly didn’t plan on showing her. She’d try to cross everything off in one night.

“Have you heard from Trace?” She asked, sagging into her desk chair, dejectedly. I guessed she’d had a hard time in class.

“He texted me,” I shrugged, like it was no big deal.

“Annnnd?” She prompted, perking up.

“We’re having dinner Friday,” I answered.

“Aww, my little Livie is growing up,” Avery cooed, batting her eyes, “and finding herself a man.”

“You’re ridiculous,” I rolled my eyes.

“What? It’s about time you dated, I was starting to think you were a lesbian, and I should stop changing in front of you,” she smirked.

I tossed my pillow at her but she easily deflected it.

“Or maybe,” she laughed, “you’re finally shedding that good girl preacher’s daughter image. Let your inner woman out, girl!” She exclaimed. “Let her roar!” She clawed dramatically at the air.

I cupped my face in my palm. “Do you think before you speak?”

“Rarely,” she grinned. “What do you think you’ll wear for your date?”

“First off,” I held up a finger, “it’s not a date. Secondly, do you only think about clothes?”

“Oh, it’s a date. And no, sex comes before clothes,” she grinned.
