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“It was amazing,” I smiled fondly at the memory. “Everything looked so beautiful,” I gushed.

“You are a freak of nature, Livie,” she laughed.

“Heights don’t bother me,” I replied. “Trace didn’t like it too much,” I giggled, closing the box, and taping it shut.

“I’m Team Trace all the way,” she fist pumped the air. “Not Team Crazy Livie,” she tossed the box she had filled onto the floor. I was surprised it didn’t split open from the force.

“I’m not crazy,” I defended.

“You are,” she smiled. “No sane person would willingly get in one of those things. But I’m happy you had fun.”

“Thanks,” I smiled, filling another box.

I looked around, hoping we had made a sizable dent in packing her stuff, but it looked like we had done nothing.

I groaned. “We’re going to be up all night packing.”

She winked. “I’ll get the coffee.”


Since residence halls closed today, I loaded my car up with boxes, and drove to Trace’s apartment. I couldn’t fit everything in my small car so I knew I would have to make at least one more trip.

Trace was leaning against the outside wall of the garage, chatting with Luca, who was puffing on a cigarette.

Trace was shirtless since it was such a hot day and his perfect body was drenched in a light coating of sweat. My eyes perused over his tattoos. I loved his tattoos and how they revealed little bits of information about him. I especially loved the one over his heart that expressed how much he loved his dad.

I parked and Trace left Luca to greet me.

“I see boxes,” he grinned, nodding at the interior of my car, “I was afraid you might change your mind.”

“No,” I shook my head, standing on my tiptoes to kiss him tenderly.

“Let me help you with those,” he gently pushed me aside and lowered my driver’s seat so he could reach the boxes.

“Don’t you have to work?” I nodded towards the garage.

“Nah,” he shook his head, lifting one of the boxes out, “I asked Pete for the afternoon off.”

“Oh,” I mouthed, and reached for a box, following him up the staircase to his apartment.

He opened the door and gently placed my box on the floor. I positioned the one I held on top.

“You have to have all your stuff out of your dorm room tonight, right?” Trace asked.

“Yep,” I nodded.

“I have something we need to do, so how about I shower, and we’ll go do it, then pick up the rest of your stuff. Is that okay with you?” He questioned.

“Sounds great,” I smiled and turned to head back for another box.

Trace carried the last box in and went to take his shower. While he was doing that, I decided to get a head start on unpacking. I placed my items in neat stacks on the floor, figuring Trace would tell me where to put my stuff later.

The bathroom door squeaked open and I looked over my shoulder, watching him step out of the bathroom with a simple gray towel wrapped around his waist. Water droplets clung to his hair and skin, causing me to lick my lips. I thought Trace was drool-worthy all the time, it didn’t matter what he was doing, working, making breakfast, you name it, he looked like sex on a stick while doing it. But nothing beat a naked and wet, Trace, fresh out of the shower.

He chuckled, smiling cockily at me. “If you keep looking at me like that,” he warned, “we’re not going anywhere.”

I turned away hastily.
