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“I thought so too,” she smiled, doing a little twirl. “You need to get dressed. We have to go dress shopping. Lily knows a place in Tysons that should have something beautiful and in your size so we don’t have to worry about alterations.”

I hurried into the bedroom and changed out of my pajamas into clothes. Avery stood in the doorway, looking at her bright red fingernails.

“You know,” she said, “I should really still be mad at you for getting married without having me there. I mean, I’m your best friend, Livie. But I’m so happy to be back with Luca that I don’t care.”

“It’s not like everyone else was there and you weren’t invited,” I shimmied into a pair of shorts. “It was only Trace and me.”

“Do you think that matters?” She fluffed the ends of her hair. She smiled slowly, “I’m sorry, I’m not mad…anymore. I just like to give you a hard time.”

“I know you do.” I opened a drawer and grabbed a shirt. Before I could put it on, Avery yanked the fabric from my hands. “Avery!”

“Seriously, girl, we’re going into the city. You can do better than this,” she held up the black tank top, “and shorts.”

“You’re wearing shorts and a t-shirt!” I accused.

“But I’m the Maid of Honor. I can’t outdo the bride,” she reasoned, going through the closet.

“Isn’t that just on the wedding day?”

She turned to me, rolling her eyes. “If I tried to look my best, I’d outshine you.”

My mouth fell open.

“I’m kidding, Olivia. Geez, I’m not that much of a bitch. Honestly. Haven’t you known me long enough to know when I’m being serious and when I’m not?”

“Yeah, sorry,” I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. “I’m going to go brush my hair and what not while you pick out my clothes…you know, since you seem to think I’m your doll or something.”

“Damn straight, and you’re a pretty little doll.”

Shaking my head, I wandered out of the bedroom and into the bathroom. I put on makeup, still having to hide the slightly yellow colored skin around my eye, and let my hair hang down instead of braiding it out of the way.

When I came back into the bedroom Avery had a peach colored dress laid out on top of the bed with a pair of brown cowboy boots. I’d swear neither were from my wardrobe.

“Where’d you get those?”

“Your closet, duh,” she looked at me like I was stupid. “Where else would I have gotten it?”

“I don’t know,” I shrugged, fingering the soft fabric of the dress. “I just don’t remember this.”

Avery shook her head, fighting a smile. “That’s because you wear the same thing all the time.”

“I don’t like getting dressed up,” I frowned. “It’s not comfortable.”

“You’re ridiculous,” she put her hands on her hips. “Now get dressed and meet me in the car. We’ll stop for breakfast on our way.” With that, she flounced out of the room and outside. The front door slammed closed behind her. It wasn’t the first time I was glad we didn’t have neighbors.

I got dressed and grabbed a cereal bar before joining her outside. Knowing Avery, she would forget to stop for breakfast and I’d be left starving. At least the cereal bar would be something.

“Hurry up, biotch,” she called from inside her red Volkswagen Beetle convertible. She slid her sunglasses on and waved me forward.

I reluctantly made my way down the steps and slid into her car.

“Ready to have some fun?” She asked.

“Yes,” I said, even though inside I was screaming no.

“Let’s find you a wedding dress,” she grinned, speeding out of the parking lot.

“How about you drive like a sane person so I don’t throw up on all the pretty dresses when we get there?” I retorted.
