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“Sure,” I helped her onto the chair. I unzipped the garment bag and held up the dress for her inspection. “What do you think?”

“You’re gonna look like a princess,” she clapped her hands together. “I want to be a princess when I grow up and live in a biiiig house just like this… Are you really a princess? Is this a castle?” She looked around in awe.

“Nope, not a princess,” I shook my head. “And this house is really big, but it’s not a castle.”

She frowned. “It would be cool if you were a princess.”

“That would be cool,” I agreed. “I like your shoes,” I tapped the end of her toes, covered by shiny pink sandals.

“My mommy got them for me.”

Maggie came back into the room and smiled when she saw Ella and I together. “Look at my two girls,” she beamed.

“Grandma, that lady is going to make my hair pretty like—” She looked at me questioningly, unsure how to say my name.

“Olivia,” I supplied.

“Like Olivia’s,” Ella nodded proudly, pleased that she said my name correctly.

“Isn’t that nice,” Maggie clapped her hands together.

“What did you need to see Trace for?” I asked, still curious.

“Oh nothing,” she ignored me.

I sighed. I should have been used to the fact that no one ever wanted to tell me anything.

I had forgotten about the sandwiches Cecilia had brought into the room, but when my eyes landed on them I was suddenly ravenous.

“Do you want a sandwich, Ella?”

She nodded her head, pushing her thick bangs out of her eyes. I grabbed a plate for each of us and sat down on the floor beside her.

Nikki did my mom and Lily’s hair and makeup then they left to help set up for the wedding. I wanted to see how everything was coming together, since I really hadn’t had much part in anything, but Lily insisted on it being a surprise. Even Trace didn’t know what it would look like, which made me feel a bit better about being left out of the loop.

Nikki braided Ella’s hair to the side and added some pale pink gloss to her lips so she didn’t feel left out. She even took the time to work her magic on my grandma.

I tried to keep my eyes away from the clock, but it was hard not to. Especially when the sounds of guests arriving echoed through the large home.

My mom and Lily returned to get in their dresses and before I knew it, it was time to put mine on.

They buttoned the back of the dress and I eyed my reflection. I looked like a bride…that was kind of the point, but seeing the whole look come together left me breathless.

Lily handed me a bouquet of orchids and said, “Showtime.”

I swallowed thickly, trying to gather my breath.

“Gramps will meet you downstairs,” Lily took my arm, guiding me out of the room. Maybe I looked faint or something and that’s why she felt the need to hold onto me. I didn’t feel like I was going to pass out, but my stomach was definitely upset.

Lily handed me off to Gramps, and Avery was the only one left behind.

“Ready, baby girl?” Gramps asked me, smiling proudly at me.

I nodded.

“Trace is going to piss his pants.”

That got me to laugh, which was what he was aiming for.
