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No more crying.

With a shake of my head I padded out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, determined to make Trace a delicious breakfast. While I could cook well, Trace usually made all our meals because he loved it. The man was perfect…except for his dancing.

I pulled out the carton of eggs and set about making scrambled eggs.

By the time Trace came out of the bedroom, the eggs were ready and I’d fried bacon.

“I’ve been thinking,” he started, leaning against the doorway to the bedroom, his hair sticking up adorably in every direction.

“About what?” I asked, placing our plates on the bar-top that overlooked the kitchen.

“I—we—need to get away.”

“We do?” I raised a brow.

“Yeah,” he rubbed a hand over his stubbled jaw before stifling a yawn. Rumpled and straight out of bed, he was still the sexiest man I’d ever seen…it probably helped that he was shirtless and my mouth was watering at the sight of his bare chest. Seriously, how did guys get that V? It was a woman’s undoing. It made smart girls do stupid things…I would know. “It’s been a long time since we’ve been anywhere. You’ve graduated and I know Marcy wouldn’t care if you took off for a bit,” he shrugged. “Pete understands and Gramps…well…he’ll have to get over it.”

“Where would we even go?” I questioned.

He smiled. “Nowhere. Everywhere. It doesn’t matter.” He strode across the room until he was in front of me. He grabbed me by both arms and bent his tall frame so he could look me in the eye. “We’ve both been going through the motions for so long, Olivia. We need to get our spark back.”

“Our spark back?” I looked at him like he was crazy.

“Our spark for life. I miss all those crazy adventures we had when we were crossing things off your list. The spontaneity, the craziness, I miss that.”

“I miss it too,” I admitted.

While the past two years had been great, I understood what he meant. We’d become like an old married couple, content to stay in and do nothing. But when we’d been crossing things off my Live List, we’d had so much fun, and had so many crazy adventures.

Yeah…I wanted more adventures.

“But what would we do?” I asked him.

He surprised me by grabbing my cheeks and smacking his lips against mine. I’m pretty sure he slobbered on me too. Ugh, that was Trace for you.

His green eyes were full of excitement. “Let’s go on a road trip.”

“A road trip?” I repeated, mulling over the idea.

He nodded giddily, dancing on the balls of his feet. “Yeah, we could head north. Maybe visit the lake house in Maine.”

“This is crazy,” I shook my head. “We both have jobs, Trace, and what about Ace?” I pointed to the dog currently sprawled on the floor licking his paw.

“I already told you, they won’t mind if we take off. As for Ace, Trent will take care of him. The freak has a ferret, I’m pretty sure he can handle a dog. Please, Olivia,” he begged, even jutting out his lower lip. He wasn’t fighting fair.

I decided not to think about it. Sometimes, thinking got you in trouble, and you needed to jump in feet first and think about the consequences later.

“Let’s do it.”

“Really?” He lit up, but there was hesitancy in his eyes, like I might pull the rug out from under him.

“Really,” I smiled.

He grabbed me again, dipping me down and kissing me until I thought I’d pass out from lack of oxygen. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” I murmured, clinging to his arms so I didn’t fall.
