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It didn’t take long for waiters to start serving us. I expected some kind of fancy fare, but I was pleasantly surprised to see they served us normal backyard party food. Burgers, hotdogs, mac n’ cheese, you name it and it was accounted for.

There were already plates in front of each of us and we were allowed to grab whatever we wanted to eat.

I chose a cheeseburger, some mac n’ cheese, and assorted fruit. Jude grabbed a bit of everything and I had no doubt he would eat it all.

Across from me, Trace grabbed two hot dogs and drenched them in ketchup. He cut up a hot dog for Dean and covered that in ketchup as well.

“Trace,” Olivia scolded, wrinkling her nose, “that’s not necessary.”

“Hey,” he pointed at her, “you can’t start them loving ketchup or Star Wars too young. You’re the freak that doesn’t like either.” Across from me I looked at Dean, who was currently shoving pieces of hot dog in his mouth and getting ketchup all over his face, and noticed that beneath his open plaid shirt he was wearing a shirt with a Star Wars logo. Clearly Trace had dressed him.

“Ketchup is gross,” she countered, “and Star Wars is weird.”

Trace gasped. “Take that back.”

I laughed at their playful interaction. No matter how much they might banter back and forth, that was just their relationship, but you could always see the love shining through in everything they did.

Jude bumped my shoulder and I looked up at him with a smile. I giggled when I saw mayonnaise sitting in the corner of his mouth. I lifted my head to kiss it away.

“Are you happy?” Jude asked me.

“Very,” I replied, and it was the truth. I couldn’t remember a time when I’d been happier.

Jude grinned widely. “Do I make you happy?”

“The happiest,” I responded.

Lowering his voice, he nuzzled his face against my ear. “I’ve wanted you for so long that I stopped believing we’d ever happen. Thank you.”

“For what?” My brows furrowed together in puzzlement.

“For giving me your heart, your love, your future,” he shrugged, squeezing my thigh. “Thank you for giving it all to me. You could’ve chosen any guy to love, but you picked me.”

“I didn’t pick you, Jude,” I smiled, kissing his stubbled cheek, “we picked each other.”

He chuckled. “That sounds about right.”

Rowan bumped my shoulder, distracting me. I turned my head to look at her. “What?” I asked.

She giggled. “I was a bit afraid that the way you guys were staring at each other you might end up having sex on the table.”

“Rowan!” I gasped in shock.

“Table sex?” Trace piped in. “Table sex is the best. I mean, all kinds of sex is the best—”

“Trace!” Olivia hissed. “Be quiet,” she nodded her head at Dean.

Tristan and Ivy didn’t seem bothered by the outburst—although, there was a bit of a blush staining Ivy’s cheeks.

Olivia’s warning came a bit too late though. “Sex! Sex! Sex!” Dean chanted, smacking his small fists against the table.

Olivia shook her head, her cheeks coloring with embarrassment. She slowly raised her hands to hide her face as other people gathered at the Memorial Day party turned to stare.

Trace put a hand over his son’s mouth and waved at the staring people with a smirk on his face. “Nothing to see here folks. Look away.”

Slowly, they turned away and back to their meals.

“Now, Dean,” Trace looked down at his son, still not moving his hand, “we can’t say that word so loud, okay?”
