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Jude repeated after the man, “I, Jude Gabriel Brooks, take you Tatum Elizabeth O’Connor, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do us part.”

He slid two bands on my finger. The first was more of an engagement ring—a simple silver band with a modest sized diamond. “My Grams,” he explained. “Pap gave it to me to give to you…when you were ready. I feel like I’ve been carrying it in my pocke

t forever, because when I asked you to marry me, I knew you weren’t ready to wear this. But now you are,” he grinned triumphantly. The second band he put on my finger was the ring he got today. I gasped at its beauty. It was an infinity band with many small diamonds. It was simple and stunning. Absolutely perfect. I couldn’t have picked anything better for myself.

My body shook when it was my turn. I stared into his eyes as I spoke each word, so he’d know I meant them completely.

“I, Tatum Elizabeth O’Connor, take you Jude Gabriel Brooks, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do us part.”

Rowan handed me Jude’s ring and my hands shook as I slipped it onto his finger. I smiled in satisfaction at seeing it on him and then turned my gaze to him.

We’d done it.

We were married.

It might not have been a traditional wedding—not by a long shot—but it was spontaneous, crazy, and fast just like the two of us and the journey of our relationship. I couldn’t ask for more.

The man officiating the wedding smiled. “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

“About fucking time,” Jude groaned, taking my face between his hands and kissing my deeply. I felt his tongue press lightly against mine and I moaned into his mouth. With a hefty breath he pulled back. “You’re mine now, Tatum Brooks.”

“I was always yours,” I grinned back, staring into the loving eyes of my husband.

He looked over at Rowan, who stood behind me. He grinned proudly, and said, “I told you I was going to marry this girl.”

This girl.

His girl.

Jude’s girl.



Two years later.

Arms wrapped around me from behind and I giggled as I was pulled against a hard chest. “Jude,” I laughed, “I’m trying to cook.”

He pressed kisses to the skin where my neck met my shoulder. “I’ve been working all day. I miss you. Let me kiss my wife.”

I let go of the wooden spoon I’d been using to stir the sauce for the homemade spaghetti and turned around to wrap my arms around his neck. I stood on my tiptoes to give him a proper welcome home kiss. Jude put in many hours at the nursing home and I always missed him when he was away from home—and home happened to be his grandpa’s farmhouse. Jerry still lived here, which worked out well since we could look after him, but he’d given us the deed to the house. A wedding present he said. Jude and I had spent the last two years working on fixing it up. We still had a few more things to fix, but it was almost complete. We’d had to halt renovations last month when our daughter was born.

So, she definitely wasn’t Jude Jr., but Juliette was the light of our lives. I’d thought I’d loved Jude before, but having our daughter only made me fall in love with him more. He was so good with her, and the way he looked at her almost always brought tears to my eyes. What could I say; I was highly emotional these days. Having a baby will do that to you.

Seeing her daddy, Juliette began to stir in her bouncer.

Jude kissed my forehead and then went over to her. He lifted her out and cradled her in his arms. She was beautiful—not that I was biased or anything. She had light brown hair, her daddy’s pouty lips, and my nose. She was perfect.

“Hi, my beautiful Juliette,” Jude cooed to our daughter. “Did you miss daddy? Because daddy sure missed you.” He kissed the top of her head and inhaled her sweet baby scent.

Once I found out I was pregnant I’d started looking for jobs I could do at home. The last thing I wanted was to miss out on any moment of Juliette’s life, or any children we might have in our future. I’d been lucky enough to find a job writing for an online magazine. I got to do what I loved and be with my daughter all day. It was a win-win.

Jude rocked Juliette in his arms, singing to her. Her eyes grew large as she listened to him. Despite the fact that she was only a month old she was already daddy’s little princess. Jude spoiled her rotten. I knew as she got older he’d make sure she got everything she wanted. Except boys. I feared the day she started dating. Jude was going to go lose it.

Smiling at the loves of my life I couldn’t help thinking how crazy it was that if Professor Taylor had never given me that assignment, and I hadn’t needed Jude’s help, we’d never be where we were now.

Things had worked out exactly as they were meant to and I couldn’t be more thankful.
