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Jude opened the fridge and pulled out a plastic container. Popping the lid off, he inhaled the scent, and breathed happily, “Mmm, meatloaf. Pap makes the best meatloaf.”

“I’m pretty sure your Pap makes the best everything,” I commented as he found plates and cut a square out for each of us. “Are you as talented in the kitchen as he is?”


“He’s lying!” Jerry called from the other room, eavesdropping on our conversation.

I quirked a brow at Jude. “Is that true?”

He shrugged. “I can cook, just not this good.”

“Lies!” Came Jerry’s voice again.

I couldn’t help laughing. The way Jude and his grandpa behaved around each other, well…it was heartwarming. They liked to pick on each other, but there was a bond there that was indestructible. It was obvious that his grandpa was his father figure, and I wondered if his grandma had been more like his mom than his own. I was dying to know why Jude didn’t have much to do with his parents, but that was none of my business so I was keeping my mouth shut…for now.

Jude set the warmed plates of food on the table and I got us cups of ice water. It felt weird to be sitting at a table just the two of us enjoying a meal. It was so simple, so easy. I never thought I’d use either of those words to describe Jude and I. Wow, we’d come a long way in a few short weeks in the sense that I didn’t contemplate all the ways I could kill him with my bare hands every time I was in a room with him.

I studied his strong chin and brow, his full lips that had felt like heaven against mine, and something I’d never felt before stirred inside me.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

I shook my head forcefully, bowing my head so my hair hid my face and concealed the embarrassment staining my cheeks. “I didn’t know I was,” I muttered.

Suddenly his fingers smoothed my hair back and my chin was forced up so I had to look at him. His eyes were such a warm brown, like melted chocolate. “You can look all you want, pretty girl. I don’t mind.”

Of course he didn’t, but I did. Jude Brooks was the last person I should have these…these…fluttery feelings about. It wasn’t okay with me. But the heart wants what it wants, and mine very clearly yearned for Jude. I didn’t understand how I could go from hating someone with every fiber of my being to wanting them. Actually, it was more than a simple want. I craved him. But I was determined to deny my feelings until either they went away, or he gave up on waiting for me, because he would give up on me eventually…everyone did.

“Hey,” he said, his voice deepening with seriousness. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m fine,” I assured him.

“That look on your face doesn’t seem fine to me,” he commented, tilting his head slightly as he studied me.

I bit my lip, letting out a heavy sigh. “I think I’m just really tired.”

He nodded his head, like that was answer enough.

We finished eating in silence, cleaned the dishes, and joined Jerry in the living room to watch some TV before we left for the evening.

When we said our goodbyes, Jerry called me Julia and Jude had become Andrew. It broke my heart, seeing Jerry regress into his mind and into a time that was no more. I knew it had to be even more painful for Jude.

Back on campus, Jude parked his truck in the empty spot beside my old red Mazda. I didn’t say anything as I got out and headed to my car. I jumped in surprise when I heard the driver’s side door of the truck close. Jude had never gotten out of his truck before when he dropped me off.

He came around to where I stood by my car, leaning so close to me that you couldn’t fit a sheet of paper between us.

My breath faltered as he stared into my eyes. His look was intense, searing me strai

ght to my core.

A few weeks ago I would’ve pushed him away and cussed him out for standing this close. I did neither of those things.

My heart raced dangerously fast as he lowered his head. I thought for sure he was going to kiss me, but he didn’t. I was learning that Jude was full of surprises.

He brushed my hair back over my shoulder and nuzzled my neck. The light stubble on his cheeks and chin grazed my skin, causing me to shiver. “I just want to see you happy,” he breathed against my skin. Then his lips were on my cheek, oh so close to my mouth, but he pulled away from me before it went any further. He turned hastily and strode to his truck. I watched him get in and pull out of the parking lot while I was left standing there, panting like I’d run a marathon, and wondering what the hell had just happened.

Chapter Thirteen

“Oh, hell to the no!” I seethed, standing on my front porch at six in the morning with two suitcases by my side. “No one told me he was coming!” I pointed an accusing finger at Jude.
