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I had to get out of this house.

But with no job and no money I was screwed.

I knew if I asked Rowan and Trent they would take me in. They were nice people like that. Heck, Trent’s brother and sister-in-law didn’t even really know me, but I knew they’d never let me sleep in my car or on the street. And then there was Jude. I knew if I told him about this he’d be determined to protect me, and probably pick a fight with my dad in the process.

I couldn’t tell him, or any of them.

This had to stay my secret for a while longer until I could make it on my own.


The chime dinged pleasantly above the door when I walked into the shop.

Jude had text me earlier and I still had two hours before he picked me up to go to his grandpa’s. I was utilizing my time by going in and out of stores and applying for jobs. I’d been unsuccessful with anything close to school or my house, so I’d ventured to the next town over. Almost immediately a quaint little cupcake shop called my name.

A guy about my age, maybe a little younger, was working at the counter. Floppy brown hair fell in his bright unnaturally blue

eyes. He was good looking sure, but there was something different about him that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. He seemed wise behind his years, but wit sparkled in his eyes and his lips were turned up in a playful smile. I could tell this guy was going to be a handful if I got the job.

“Hi, I’m Tatum,” I said politely, giving him a small smile. “I saw the sign on the door saying you were hiring.”

He adjusted his black baseball cap, which was emblazoned with the cupcake store’s name. Lucinda’s.

“Yeah, let me grab Lucinda.” He started for the back, but turned back to me and stopped. He reached his hand over the counter. “How dare me forget my manners with such a pretty girl,” he winked. I took his hand and shook it. “I’m Bryce.” He nodded his head towards the tables. “Have a seat and she’ll be right out.”

“Wait…” I called and he paused before heading in the back. “Is she going to interview me now? I’m hardly dressed for an interview.” I looked down at my jeans and t-shirt. “I just wanted to apply.”

Bryce held his hands up in surrender. “Just doing what the boss would want.”

“Great,” I forced a smile.

There was no way I’d get hired like this.

A moment later an older lady breezed out of the swinging door and headed my way. My nerves skyrocketed.

“Hello, I’m Tatum,” I stood, shaking her hand.

She smiled pleasantly, smoothing her wavy gray hair away from her face. While she was older, the age of a grandparent, there was a timeless beauty to her. Few wrinkles lined her face and there was a twinkle in her eyes. “I’m Lucinda, the owner. Bryce said you were looking for a job?”

I nodded.

She began to ask me more questions and I answered them as best I could. I was nervous but I didn’t think I was doing too bad.

Finally, when she was done, I looked around. The walls were painted hot pink and there was an overall vibe in the place that could only be described as funky. It didn’t seem like the kind of place a grandma would own.

“Your shop is adorable,” I told her in all honesty.

“Thank you,” she smiled, and appeared to be thinking over everything we’d discussed. “How soon can you start?” She asked.

I bit my lip, thinking. After this week I was done shadowing Jude and I had no commitments that extended beyond that. “The week after this one,” I answered.

“That’s perfect!” She clapped her hands together in excitement. “Bryce and I will train you.” She leaned in close to me. “He’s quite a mess, that one. Don’t believe a thing he says.”

I laughed. “I’ll remember that.”

She lowered her voice further. “He’s the brother of my granddaughter’s husband, so I have to keep him around.”

“I heard that!” Bryce called from the counter. I turned to look at him and shook my head. There was no way he heard that with as softly as Lucinda spoke.
