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Cracking a smile, I said, “I think we’re going to burn down the building with all these candles.”

“I guess we just can’t roll around,” he winked, causing my insides to squirm. The last week, ever since I told him I loved him, things had changed between us yet again. The intensity between us had become electrified like we were combustible.

He stepped forward, closing the distance between us and ghosted his fingers along my cheek. I was sure he could feel the heat there from my blush.

“Don’t get shy on me,” he whispered, brushing his lips softly against mine.

A small moan escaped me and I grasped his shirt in my hands, pressing up on my toes so I could kiss him fully.

I always tried to keep things from getting too out of hand between us, but it was growing increasingly difficult to do that. I wanted Cade in every possible way and I wasn’t sure how much longer I could wait. But I knew Cade, and he wouldn’t be the one to initiate things in that direction. He thought of me as a skittish cat that might run if he made one wrong move. If things were going to go farther than kissing, I would have to be the one that pressed for more, and that scared me. I’d always been more comfortable letting someone else take the lead.

His hand that rested at my waist skated beneath my shirt and I shivered at the feel of his hand against my bare back.

He backed up and my legs hit my bed. I sank down and he followe

d. The bed was far too small for the two of us, but I didn’t mind.

He was careful to hold his weight above me. Always so gentle with me. Sometimes I missed the Cade that he was when we first met, the one that wasn’t afraid to joke with me. I wasn’t as breakable as I used to be. I was growing stronger every day and I wouldn’t be able to say that without having him in my life. I wished he could see that.

“I love you,” he growled, his fingers tangling in my hair.

I didn’t respond. My lips were otherwise occupied.

My body grew warm with the heat we were generating and I pulled my shirt off. He hummed in approval, peppering small kisses over my breasts.

I closed my eyes, soaking in the moment.

The room could burn down around us and I would never even know.


I curled my body around Cade’s and laid my head on his chest. His warmth wound around me.

Our make-out session had ended long ago. We’d eaten and cleaned up, and now were ready to go to sleep.

There was no discussion about whether or not Cade would stay the night, we both just knew it would happen.

I’d changed into my pajamas and Cade had stripped down to his jeans—like I’d pitch a fit if he wore his boxers.

He rubbed his fingers lazily against my arm, humming under his breath.

He cleared his throat suddenly and I lifted my head to look at him. My hair brushed against his bare chest and he shivered.

“I was thinking that maybe we should go somewhere tomorrow.” His voice was soft and hesitant.

“Sure,” I agreed readily. “Where do you want to go?” Getting away for a little while sounded like a good idea—even if it was only a day trip. A change of scenery would be nice.

“Xander’s dad has a cabin close to here. I was thinking maybe we could stay there for a few days,” he suggested, tangling his fingers in my hair.

“A cabin? Is there plumbing?” I wrinkled my nose, envisioning some shack in the woods.

Cade started laughing and then couldn’t seem to stop. Tears streamed down his cheeks. He wiped them away. “Of course it has plumbing, silly girl,” he grinned.

“Hey, it was a fair question,” I defended, giggling.

Lying there wrapped in his arms, laughing about plumbing, I felt like Rachael again.

Cade gave me myself back and I would never be able to repay him for that. I only hoped that my love was enough.
