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I roll my eyes. “You’re worse than me.”

We head outside into the rain. It’s more of a mist than actual rain and cold. It’s definitely going to start snowing.

Nova clutches the bag with the presents and I open the passenger door of my truck for her. Once she’s in I close the door and jog around to the driver’s side.

“Can you let them know we’re on our way?” I ask her. “Thea’s already texted me like fifteen times, asking when we’re going to get there.”

She snorts. “Why does she always text you and not me?”

I check my mirrors and pull out onto the road. “Because she loves to irritate me, that’s why. I think she gets some kind of sick enjoyment out of making me snap.”

“Yeah, that sounds like Thea. Don’t worry, I’ll let her know.”

The rain slicks against the windshield and I turn the wipers on so I can see.

“You know,” Nova begins after a few minutes of silence, “I think this is the best Christmas I’ve ever had, and it’s not because of any of the presents, but because I get to spend it with people I love.”

“Like me?” I wag my brows.

She laughs. “Yes, you, and our friends too. Back home, Christmas wasn’t a happy affair and more of an obligation.” She shrugs. “This … This was everything I’d already dreamed and hoped it could be.”

My chest pangs. Nova’s childhood was as bleak and depressing as mine, and now that I know her whole story, I think it’s safe to say it was even worse. I’d take my controlling father over her nasty parents any day. What her parents, and Owen’s, did to her is inexcusable and unforgivable. She should be angry at the entire world, but she’s not. I think she used to be a little lost, but now she’s finally found her way.

I reach for her hand and finally reply with a choked response, “I’m glad.”

We’re about ten minutes from Cade’s house when she exclaims, “You were right! It’s snowing!”

Sure enough, the rain is turning to snow, and little white tufts float down onto the truck.

“There’s something kind of magical about snow,” she beams, looking out the window.

“Yeah, there is,” I agree. “It’s so pure. Not a lot is anymore.”

The rest of the drive Nova watches the snow with a wide-eyed expression. We finally arrive at Cade’s and I park in their driveway.

“Thea said to come in through the garage. I have the code,” Nova tells me.

“All right, I’ll get the presents then.”

I hop out and go around to her side, taking the bag from her. I lock my truck and follow her to the keypad. She puts in the four-digit code and the door whirs up.

We head inside and find everyone in the family room.

“We brought presents!” Nova says unnecessarily, pointing to the bag I carry. Her excitement is adorable, though. Nova used to try to fade into the background, but now she glows with happiness. My chest puffs with pride, because I know I had some fucking part in that.

“Presents!” Thea squeals like a cracked out five-year-old.

Xander wraps his arm around her waist and pulls her down onto the couch when she runs by him, headed for Nova. She falls into his lap and glares.

Their dog, Prue, lifts her head from the cushion in the corner and observes the scene. She must dub everything as okay because she promptly lies back down.

“Haven’t you had enough presents?” he jokes.

“You can never get too many presents.”

He sighs and shrugs, looking at me with an expression that says, I don’t know what to do with her.

I set the bag down and let Nova pass out the gifts.
