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“Now that I finally have you, I don’t want to lose you.”

“Where am I going to go?” I say, caressing his cheek.

“I’m in love with you,” he whispers, his hands cupping the side of my face. “You are it for me.” Still inside me, his cock twitches.

“You really do love me?”

“I have since you walked into me at Davis. I didn’t want to admit it, but you are my happily ever after.”


“I know. It’s too soon and you’re not ready. I can wait—forever, if I have to. I just need you to understand the depth of my feelings for you.”

My heart wants to burst,. If it weren’t for Evan, I would have said it right back, but I need to repair my damaged heart before I can give it away again. “Thank you,” I breathe, looking into those blue eyes—eyes that stare directly into my soul. “I’m so lucky you came into my life,” I say, reaching for his face, pulling him down to me. “Now, you said something about making me sore?”

His eyes are full of mischief as he starts to move. “Yes. Yes, I did, didn’t I?”

An hour later, we make our way next door to Amanda and Nathan’s villa where everyone is gathered in the large living area.

“Olivia, it’s about time you got here,” Miranda says, walking toward us. “Come, our dresses are in here.” She grabs my arm and drags me toward a bedroom.

I look back at Chase, but he just shrugs his shoulders, smiling. “You owe me,” I mouth, causing him to chuckle.

“Olivia, here. Put this on.” Amanda thrusts a garment bag at me.

“I already tried mine on,” Miranda says. “Fit like a glove.”

“We’ll be in the living room, come out when you’re dressed,” Amanda orders as they leave.

Unzipping the garment bag, I find a beautiful light blue dress. It isn’t a typical bridesmaid’s dress. It has mesh and crochet insets, giving it an edgy harness. I slide it on and it hugs my hips in exactly the right way, showing off my curves. The material has stretchy, dense knit panels, which makes the dress really comfortable. Miranda’s right; it fits like a glove.

Walking out to the living room, all conversation stops.

“It’s perfect!” Amanda squeals.

Chase gapes at me, his mouth open and eyes wide. Standing, he walks over to me. “Wow,” he murmurs under his breath.

“You like it?” I ask.

“Like it? You look amazing,” Chase answers. “Although, you would look amazing in a paper bag.”

“She looks hot,” Justin interjects, which causes Chase to punch him in the shoulder. “Hey, that hurt,” he whines.

“Can I take this off now?”

“It fits okay?” Amanda asks.

“Like a glove,” I respond.

“Yes, we need to do the walk through anyway.”

Shifting on my heel, I head back to the bedroom to change. When I come back, a couple in their mid-fifties, if that, is sitting on couch, sipping their drinks. The woman is a spitting image of Amanda, just older.

“Mom, Dad, this is Olivia, Chase’s girlfriend. Olivia, these are my parents, Amelia and Charles St. Claire.”

“Hello,” they say in unison.

“Nice to meet you,” I smile.
