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“Can I get a light beer?” I ask, adding, “Whatever you have.” He nods his head to show he heard me and walks away.

As the bartender rounds up shot glasses, Surfer Dude makes introductions. “I’m Russell, and these are my bros, Matt, Jake, Finn, and Brian.”

“I’m Miranda. The bride-to-be is Amanda, and this is Olivia.”

“Hi,” I say, keeping my focus on the bartender.

“So, what are three beautiful ladies doing this evening?” Matt asks.

“We’re celebrating!” Amanda cheers.

“Another one bites the dust,” Jake mutters.

“How about you two ladies. Married?” Brian asks, though his attention remains on Miranda.

“No,” she says, a flush creeping across her cheeks.

He turns to me. “You?”

“No, not married.”

That grabs Jake’s attention. If I were single, I might actually be attracted to him. He kind of reminds me of Jared Leto in the movie Mr. Nobody. His hair is the same straight length that covers part of his face, he has nice eyes, although it’s too dark to tell what color they are, and a dimple peeks out when he smiles.

“Where are our manners?” he mumbles aloud. Standing, he smacks Brian and Matt, saying, “Get your asses up and let these ladies sit down.”

“Shit, sorry,” Brian says as he offers his seat to Miranda. I take Jake’s seat and Amanda takes Matt’s. Russell pushes his chair closer to the wall with Finn standing behind him, putting us in a tight semi-circle.

The bartender lines up nine shot glasses and pours the chilled Jaeger across the glasses, not spilling a drop. Russell is closest, so he passes out the shots, as well as the beer I requested.

“Here’s to your wedding tomorrow,” he toasts Amanda, “and to you two beautiful ladies having some fun.”

“Cheers,” we all say in unison.

I shoot back my shot and immediately down half my beer. My nose wrinkles as the Jaeger crawls down my throat, the burn lingering longer than I want it. My shoulders shutter as I fight the urge to reject the nasty liquid. Matt bursts out laughing.

“Jaeger’s not one of your favorites, I see,” he says, still laughing.

“Bleck, I can’t stand it,” I sputter, still trying to rid my tongue of the nasty taste.

“We’ll need to do something different next time.”

“Where’re you girls from?” Finn asks from behind Russell.

“New York,” Miranda answers.

“We’re from California.”

“Yeah, we needed a little bro time,” Brian says.

“You staying on Providenciales?”

“No. Parrot Cay.”

Matt whistles through his teeth. “Damn, ladies, you rich or something? That’s where the movie stars go.”

“Hardly,” Miranda mumbles.

“You know, I feel like I’ve seen you somewhere before,” Finn says to Miranda.
