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Every time Chase speaks of her, his eyes light up, and it’s endearing to see the love he has for her. He’s promised his mother is nothing like his stepmother, but I can’t help but be nervous. She’s been dying to meet me ever since she found out I had dinner with his dad, which was before I almost married Evan. I kept putting the meeting off, claiming I was too tired after work, but Chase has been insistent, so I relented. I push my anxiety aside, resolving to look at her without judgment.

Walking into Chase’s building, we take the elevator up to a few floors beneath Chase’s apartment. After unlocking the door, he holds it open, motioning for me to enter first. Shocked by the huge open-floor plan, I stop in my tracks and stare, wide-eyed. Being that it’s in the same building, I expected her apartment to be identical to Chase’s, but it’s easily three times the size. Catching me gaping, Chase chuckles. “This apartment takes up half of this floor. She bought four apartments and had them made into one larger one.”

“Why would she do that, who needs this much space?” I ask, still gaping.

“What better way to spend my father’s money,” he quips.

As I stand in the center room on a large Persian rug, directly above me is a sprawling Baccarat crystal chandelier. The apartment is tastefully decorated; enough furniture to look lived in, but not too much to look cluttered. Directly to the right is the formal living room, to the left is the gourmet kitchen. Chase leads me past both toward the back of the apartment. Here, the dining area is to the left off the kitchen, and another living area on the right, less formal than the living room. It appears to be more of a family room with the large flat screen TV over a fireplace.

“Mom, we’re here,” Chase calls out.

“Be right there,” she answers from somewhere near the back of the apartment.

Mrs. Remington walks out from a hidden doorway next to the bathroom right in front of me, fussing with her hair. “Chase, sweetie! I’ve missed you,” she coos, giving him a great big hug. She is so small compared to Chase; it’s like a kitten hugging a grizzly bear.

He kisses the top of her head, much like he does with me. “Mom, I’d like you to meet Olivia. Olivia, this is my mother, Claire.”

She walks toward me, pulling me into an embrace. “It’s so good to finally meet you. I’ve heard so many good things about you.”

“Likewise,” I murmur, shocked at her familiarity.

Releasing me, she turns back to Chase. “So, what took you so long to bring her over here?” she scolds Chase, smiling ear to ear.

“It’s my fault, Mrs. Remington. My work schedule wouldn’t allow it,” I cut in, feeling the need to cover for Chase.

“Nonsense, and please, call me Claire. Mrs. Remington is my ex-husband’s mother,” she says. “If I hadn’t been married to Chase’s father for so long, I would have changed my name back to Windsor, but Remington is the name attached to my charities.”

“Mom is still a little bitter,” Chase whispers.

“No, I’m past the bitter stage. It is what it is. Besides, I have two amazing sons that came out of my marriage. I wouldn’t change a thing.” She smiles at Chase, a radiant, I-love-my-son smile. Shifting her attention, she says, “Come, let’s go sit in the living room and chat. I want to learn all about Olivia.” Claire turns toward the family room and motions for us to sit as she takes her place on the sofa. Chase and I both sit on the loveseat, and he immediately puts his arm around my shoulders.

“So, Olivia, Chase hasn’t given me too many intricate details. Tell me a little bit about yourself.”

“My mom was a teacher, my father a city cop. He was diagnosed with cancer and passed away while I was in high school, almost eight years ago.”

“Oh, sweetie. I’m so sorry.” I can tell the difference between pity and compassion, and this is definitely the latter.

“Thanks,” I mutter. “It was hard, but every day it gets a little easier.” She nods her head. “I grew up in Bohemia.”

“I love Bohemia! Such a pretty town.”

“After high school, I went to Stony Brook.” She shakes her head.

“I wish my boys would have gone to a SUNY school. Harvard is way too stuffy. But, that’s where their father went.” Her snide comment doesn’t go unnoticed. Chase shakes his head, but his lips twist up into a smile.

Smiling, I continue, “I graduated with my bachelors in Biology and my masters in Marine and Atmospheric Science. I work for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.”

“That’s fantastic,” she beams. “My, Chase, she might be smarter than you.” Chase looks at Claire and his lips quirk up as he rolls his eyes, making me giggle.

“Chase is super smart,” I quip.

“Yes, he is. He was smart enough to find you.” Chase is now smiling ear to ear, and I flush from the compliment. “Now, what has my dear son told you about me?”

“Not much, really,” I admit.

“Well, I grew up in Sagaponack. To be honest, I thought all of those North Shore people were a bit snobby,” she says with a chuckle. I would have never pictured her as a South Shore girl, but Sagaponack is in the Hamptons. “I met Chase’s father when I was twenty while spending the summer at the Southampton Beach and Tennis Club. His family owned a summer home nearby, which the boys still go to occasionally. I couldn’t stand him at first, but he was persistent. Eventually, he wore me down. Once I gave him a chance, I knew he was the one for me.” That sounds awfully close to what happened with Chase and me.

“That’s so sweet,” I murmur, looking at Chase. He shoots me a smug smile, knowing I’m comparing the two relationships.
