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I go back into the dressing room and change, giving Cecile the dress and shoes. When I come out, Chase is hanging up his phone. “I have a car coming to pick us up. All of this walking and shopping has made me hungry.”

“That’s fine. I’m hungry, too.”

“Cecile, can you have a courier bring the dress and shoes to the Boston Harbor Hotel?”

“Of course, Mr. Remington. “

“Fantastic.” As we walk out of the boutique, a town car pulls up to the curb. Opening the door, Chase follows me inside.

After a late lunch at the Meritage, Chase and I sit on the pier, enjoying the view. Putting his arm around my shoulders, I lay my head against his chest. “So, why didn’t you tell me to pack something fancy?” I ask, somewhat annoyed at being ambushed earlier.

“I thought taking you shopping would be much more fun.”

“You know how I feel about you spending so much money on me, and really, when am I going to wear that dress again?”

Turning to look at me, Chase says, “Don’t you know? No one wears a dress more than once, anyway.” His lips twitch up into a smile as he tries to stop himself from laughing.

“Since when are you the fashion expert?”

“Have you met my stepmother?” he quips. “I might not have spent that much time around her, but when I did, I picked up a few things.”

“Great,” I mutter to myself. Chase overhears and sighs.

“I love spending money on you. It makes me happy.”

“I know,” I mutter petulantly. “I just don’t want you to think I’m with you for the money.”

“That is the furthest thing from my mind,” he says, kissing my forehead.

“Promise me no more dresses, at least for a little while.”

“Nope, can’t make any promises.”

“At least I’ll get a reprieve while you’re in Italy.”

“Maybe,” he says, his lips curling into a Cheshire smile.

“As it is, while you’re away, I’ll be making up the time I missed while we were in Turks and Caicos.”

“I really wish you didn’t like your job so much.”

“I love my job, there’s no talking me out of it.”

“I know.”

“I’d be bored out of my mind if I didn’t work.”

“I’d find things to keep you busy.” He pulls me close, nibbling on my ear.

“Yes, I’m sure you would,” I giggle.

“C’mon. We need to get ready.”

“You still won’t tell me where we’re going?”


Freshly showered and shaved, I actually take the time to do my hair and it falls down my back straight as a pin. There aren’t too many months in the year where I can pull off straight hair without the humidity creeping in and frizzing it. October, as a whole, is a pretty dry month, so I take the chance. I go a little heavier on my makeup than I normally do since we’re apparently going somewhere fancy.
