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“I’m in Milan. The city has better cell service than where I was. How are you?”

“Missing you.”

“You should have come with me.”

“You know I couldn’t.”

Chase sighs into the phone. “I miss you, too. More than you know.”

“So, how is Italy?” I ask.

“Lonely without you.”

“Seriously,” I say, giggling.

“I am serious.”

“Is it as beautiful as I imagine it to be?”

“It would be more beautiful with you here.”

“Chase, you know I would have gone with you if I could.”

“Yeah, I know,” he sighs. “So, what have you been up to? “

“I’ve been working like crazy, trying to make up for the time I lost when we were in paradise,” I say, teasing him.

“I’d give you paradise every day if you’d let me,” he says, and I can hear the smile in his voice.

“Oh, and Justin took me out to dinner last night.”

“He did what?” His voice jumps up an octave and an alarm goes off inside my head.

“Yeah, I met him over at the Cipriani Club.”

“Why the fuck are you having dinner with Justin?”

“Geez, Chase. Calm down. It was just dinner.”

“I’m out of town for what, not even a week, and you’re having dinner with my best friend? What happened to being a hermit in your apartment?” The tiny hairs on the back of my neck stand on end and a chill runs through me. I don’t like where this conversation is going.

“He needed advice about Miranda,” I say, trying to explain myself.

“He’s a man-whore, he just wanted in your pants.”


“Did you meet Evan for dinner, too? Maybe you saw him first,” he snarls into the phone.

Holy fuck. He’s lost his mind. “What the fuck, Chase! What is wrong with you?”

“That’s not a denial. Did you fuck him?”

“What? Are you fucking kidding me?”

“No, I’m not,” he snaps, breathing heavily into the phone. “I can’t talk to you right now.”

“Chase—” Before I can get the first syllable out of my mouth, the line goes dead. That son-of-a-bitch hung up on me! On me! I should have hung up on him, after what he accused me of. How can he even suggest that I saw Evan, after everything that’s happened? He’s gone bat shit crazy.
