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“Hey, Chase.” Her voice sounded a little throaty.

“You busy?”

“No. Brianna should be there by now. She left an hour ago. I just came from the shower and now I am under the covers.”

“Ah, shit! Don’t tell me that.”

“I already did,” she said with humor. “What are you up to?”

“Finished swimming for the night. Now I am taking a rest.”

“Are you still at the beach?”

“Yeah.” I sighed.

“We should go to the beach tomorrow.”

“Then we’ll do that.”

“All right.” It seemed like her phone was breaking up for a moment and then I heard her deep breathing. She was trying to disguise it.

“Babe,” I called out to her. “What are you doing?”

“Nothing.” Her tone conveyed that she’d just lied to me. My jaw automatically clenched. She was silent for a moment. “I wish you still lived here, when you were only a few feet away.” The frustration I’d felt from her lie dissipated.

“You’re never far from my mind. Just remember how you felt when I was holding you.”

“I am, Chase,” she replied shakily.

“And how you squirmed when your ass brushed against my cock. Remember that?”

Beth softly moaned. “Hmm-umm.”

“That’s right, babe. Show me how you love yourself.”

“But you’re not here.”

“I am.” I clamped my eyes closed and covered my crotch with my towel. I couldn’t believe that I’d driven her to touch herself while she was on the phone with me. I opened my eyes. “There’s nothing to be shy about,” I encouraged through a tight throat.

“I-I, um, stroking my clit.” Her voice came out thick.


“Up and down…in circles.” She gulped. “Like how you touch my nipples.”

“Good, babe. Your pussy swollen yet?”

“Just my clit,” From the heavy silence, I knew that she was close to coming. I felt it. When I heard that slippery sound, I almost came in my swim trunks, which hadn’t happened in years.

“Hmmm,” she murmured. “Ahhh.”

I shifted in my seat. “You okay?”

“Yes,” she breathed. “More than okay.”

“Babe, wasn’t that pretty quick?”

Beth giggled. “I started before you called. And I stopped when you called. Then I remembered you in your shorts…”
