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Mariska laughed. “Dad’s at the house with Pete’s friend’s parents as we speak.”

I lifted my head. “Uhhh.”


Mariska looked out of the passenger window while I drove her to the car into Anderson’s dealership, the only car dealership in Franklin Parks. I’d bought Betsy online and only passed by here a handful of times. Jake had taken Mariska in order to help her select a car when she’d saved up enough money for it. Brianna had already informed Mariska that Pierce had gifted me with my Ford Focus Sedan when I’d told her about it. And Mariska had been so happy for me. She’d taken in the smooth leather interior and the car smell like I had. Jake was spending the day with his dad and his brothers. I hadn’t seen Jake or Mariska in two weeks. Jake valued being with his dad and brothers whenever he could, and I admired that he’d never denied it.

“How’s Chase?” Mariska asked. “He’s the only one I don’t text.”

“He’s good. He had to change his number because someone kept calling him but not saying anything.”

She exhaled a harsh breath. “Childish antics. And has it stopped since?”

“Yes, but we’ll find out soon enough if it’s gonna happen again, because weeks before the last prank calls, it’d started.”

“Is it an ex?”

“He’s never had a girlfriend.”

“Doesn’t mean one of the girls he’s hooked up with doesn’t have his number.”

I shrugged. “Possibly, but he told me that the number he had before was new. And he doesn’t talk to anyone in Vermont.”

Mariska was quiet for minutes, and when I drove into the dealership, I turned off my car and peered at her. “Say it.”

“Jake doesn’t like him.”

“Tell me something that I don’t know.”

“I don’t like that Chase closes himself off from you.” After a beat, she continued. “You guys are…closer now, and I know I made that stupid-ass panty-dropping comment, but maybe Chase isn’t telling you what you need to know because he recognizes that you wouldn’t be with him otherwise.”

Mariska had made some points, and as much as I didn’t want to be like Cindy, I’d made few demands with Chase to tell me about his family or his life back in Vermont besides the fact that he was estranged with his family. I couldn’t fathom not wanting to be with him. I didn’t want to consider not being with him.

She opened the door to my car as a balding man in a button-down shirt and a crooked purple tie smiled at us.

“Hey, Mariska. I see you got a friend with you today. Where’s Jake?”

“Out with the guys,” she answered with a smile. “This is Beth.”

He offered me his hand and glanced at my car. “I am Jeff, co-owner of Anderson’s Dealership.” He returned his focus to Mariska. “Can’t believe Jake wouldn’t wanna see you in your new car today. He done low-balled my salesman.”

Putting on one of her charming smiles that had gotten us out of trouble when we were little, she said, “Jake negotiated a fair price.”

Aside from the mileage, there was no indication that Mariska’s silver Hyundai Accent was a used car. The interior was in mint condition. When she drove us back to the lot for one last test drive, a tall man with longish dark brown hair drew my attention. I didn’t know why. He was in a loose-fitting gray shirt, worn light-wash jeans, and black boots. His muscular upper body, lean waist, and bulky legs were so familiar to me.

Mariska snapped her fingers close to my face. “I was talking to you.”


I got out of the passenger seat and closed the door when Mariska called my name. A deep line marred her forehead. The guy was talking to another employee at the dealership. When the guy with the longish hair spun around, my heart skipped a beat.

“Ohmigod. He looks almost exactly like Chase,” she managed to say in a gasp. “Beth! He’s coming over to us.” Her voice sounded frantic and I could see why; he was unsmiling, and nothing about him was approachable like with Chase.

I didn’t do anything but stand there. I’d heard that everyone had a doppelganger. Jake was a freaking doppelganger, but this had to be a relative of Chase’s. There was no mistake. They had the same body, the same stride. However, his cold demeanor would send warning alarms to the most sensible women and a thrill to others. The only major difference this guy had was a different nose and longish hair. Okay, so they weren’t identical. But they were pretty damn close.

“Hey,” he addressed me when he advanced. Was he taller than Chase? Broader, even? How was that possible? If he had a scar on the right right side of his face, it’d be easy not to notice that their noses were different. “Do I know you from somewhere?” I wasn’t aware that Mariska was by my side until his hazel eyes zoomed on her.

“N-no,” I stammered. “I confused you for someone.”
