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“Shredded beef with rice and red beans, just how you eat it,” I interrupted her in Spanish and I sat down seconds after she had.

While gazing at the food, Mariska opened her purse and brought her arm over the table. Money was tucked on the side of my dish of steak and baked potatoes. I examined her face for any signs that she was trying to insult me, but I saw that she wasn’t. I covered the dollars with my hand and slid it underneath her plate.

“Did you get me lunch?” A look of fear started to settle over her features, before she schooled her expression.

“Mariska…” I exhaled her name and then cleared my throat. “Put your money back in your purse and let’s dig in before your lunch is over. I remember how it got in here the other day.”

Even though Mariska grimaced, she took the money from underneath her plate and shoved it back in purse. “Why are you breaking bread with me?”

I barked out a short dark laugh. “I thought Jill would be here, but Blanca said that you and she switched days. We might as well break bread.” Eyeing me cautiously, she placed the napkin on her lap. “It’d seem ridiculous for us to eat at separate tables when we know each other. That’d only make Blanca have questions, no?”

She nodded and spread butter on her bread roll. Blanca had said that Mariska had a voracious appetite and I wanted to see that for myself. The tip of her bright pink tongue darted out of her mouth, sweeping over her lips. Another appetite of mine was taking root.

“What brought you to the library yesterday?” There wasn’t any trace of condescension in her tone.

“Had to gather some primary resources for a paper I have due this Monday.”

“Have you started your paper yet?”

“I am going to highlight all of my research tonight and go from there.”

“What class is it for?”

“Greek Civilization in its Mediterranean Context.”

A smirk tugged the corners of her lips. “Who’s your professor?”

“Dr. Mastrangelo.”

“Beth had him last year for the Classical Mythology course she took and she said he’d piled on the work. How many credits are you taking?”

“Nine. I am a sophomore. The classes I’d taken in treatment were accredited. I’ve got thirty-sex credits that fulfill most of the general education requirements…” She hesitated to tell me something. “You’re going to bite your tongue?” I shook my head. “Spit it out.”

“Are you just going to school for the heck of it? Have you declared a major yet?”

“Classical Humanities is my major.”

She lowered her eyebrows. “Are you back in school to get another job or advance your career?”

“I always wanted to have a college education. When I was a kid, I’d had an interest in Greco-Roman studies. And I love to draw. One of my old friends in treatment had talked about this tattoo school near our treatment facility and I’d gotten into it to pass the time. I don’t wanna do anything else, but I like to learn. In and out of the classroom.”

“The drawing you did of Beth on her birthday cake was special,” she said. It surprised and irked me that her opinion mattered to me. Why the hell did it?

Once we were done eating, Mariska said, “I’ll tell Jill that you came to see her.”

“Blanca gave me Jill’s number, so I’ve got it, but thanks for offering.”

Chapter 5


“YOU CAN SEND A congratulations card like most people do.” Chase paced back and forth in my living room later on that night. Beth sat on my couch with Riley resting on her lap, stroking her fingers on her head. Riley didn’t seem to care that Chase was a little agitated, only that Beth continued her ministrations. Most of the time, when the three of us had spent time together, it’d been at my house.

Narrowing her eyes at him and softening her tone, so that Riley didn’t get frightened, Beth replied, “Gregory and I didn’t end our relationship on a bad note. It’ll be a nice welcome back home party for them.”

Chase’s eyes flew over to me and I neutralized my expression. Beth had told me that her mom’s promiscuity had made growing up in her hometown, Franklin Parks, difficult. Besides Jake and Mariska, Gregory had been the only other person around their age to befriend her and they had become girlfriend and boyfriend. Chase didn’t want Beth anywhere near most of the people in Franklin Parks, but I also knew that he didn’t want her to see Gregory.

“Babe, I don’t mean to be harsh, but I think he invited you because he knew that everyone was invited and you’d find out.”
