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“They have children!” Jane implored.

“So do I.” Rick’s tone grew dark. “My family’s out there waiting for me. And I’m potentially giving up on ever seeing them again to try and stop this madness. That’s not a decision I make lightly and there’s not a chance in hell that I’m going to jeopardize what we’re doing. Some risks we have to take. Others we don’t. Right now we don’t have to take this risk.

“I know that’s hard to swallow and believe me, if we had room for every one of them and a way to ensure everyone’s safety I’d stop in a heartbeat to pick them up. But we don’t. And we have something bigger and more important to focus on. So that’s what we’re going to do. Got it?”

Jane and Dr. Evans both sat quietly after Rick’s response, watching as the car went around a bend in the road and the people disappeared. With nothing but silence and tension filling the car, each of the trio was left to their own thoughts, each of them wondering if the decisions they were making were actually the correct ones. Mistakes were easy to make but difficult to correct in their current environment. None of them wanted to be the one to make a call that could potentially destroy their fragile attempt at stopping Damocles.
