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Reed gives me a knowing look. “Ah. Got it.”

These fuckers can read me too well sometimes.

“So, Jazz has no idea what you have planned?” Bentley’s lighter flickers as he takes a hit from his pipe.

I shake my head. “None.”

Belle’s eighth birthday is coming up, and Jazz wanted to do something special to celebrate. Since I wanted to do something special for both of them, I made arrangements with Belle’s dad to have her for the entire weekend. I can’t wait to see the look on that adorable little girl’s face when we pull through the gates at Disneyland.

“Belle’s going to be pumped when she sees where we’re going. Neither one of them has ever been to Disney, so I got MaxPasses. I was going to do the whole VIP thing, but I think Jazz would prefer to roam the parks without a tour guide.”

Bentley’s eyebrows draw together. “How can you grow up in Southern Cali and never go to Disneyland?”

I give him a moment to think about it before I see the proverbial lightbulb flicker on. Disney theme parks aren’t exactly cheap. Honestly, I don’t know how the average middle-class family affords it, let alone someone who grew up in state housing.

Reed and Bent are wearing matching shit-eating grins.

“What’s that look for?”

Reed’s lips twitch. “Never thought I’d see the day, man.”

I frown. “The day for what?”

“That you became a pussy-whipped motherfucker.” Bentley makes a whip-cracking motion—complete with sound effects—to emphasize his statement.

I flip these assholes off as they laugh it up.

“What’s so funny?”

Reed’s eyes light up when Ainsley walks into the room. “Just giving your brother shit.”

My lips twitch when Bent switches the song.

She makes some weird rolling hand gesture. “By all means, don’t let me stop you.”

My eyes narrow. “You can all fuck right off.”

When Jazz walks into the room, I fist the hair at the nape of her neck and land a solid kiss on her mouth. Damn, she looks good today. She’s fine as hell on any given day, but for some reason, even more so right now. I was inside this woman less than twelve hours ago, but I can never seem to get enough.

“Not you. You can fuck me, though.” I wag my eyebrows suggestively as Cardi B raps about parking a Mack Truck inside a little garage.

Jazz’s chocolate eyes twinkle in amusement. “I’m so sure.”

I smack her ass as she walks past me to take a seat on the leather couch. “Just name the time and place, baby.”

“How was shopping?” Reed asks my sister.

Ainsley smiles. “Let’s just say I’m glad I borrowed Kingston’s Rover.”

“You should see the dress Ainsley bought for that holiday party. It makes her ass look spectacular. I mean, it was already great to begin with, but the dress is straight fire. I bet you can’t wait to see it, huh, Reed?” Jazz flashes a tooth

y smile and makes a spanking motion in the air.

Sadly, that mind-reading thing between the guys and me works both ways, so I know precisely what Reed is thinking right now. The twin link is also in full effect, so I have a pretty good idea what’s on my sister’s mind as she widens her eyes at Jazz, although I try my damnedest to bleach all of it from my brain.

Reed’s eyes flash briefly to me before working their way over to Jazz. He looks pensive as he considers her question, though I doubt he’s trying to formulate a response. He’s probably wondering exactly how much Jazz knows about his sexual proclivities. My eyes wander to her, wondering the same thing because it seems like she’s purposely fucking with him.

Jazz and I have engaged in some light ass play, which she definitely enjoyed, but we’ve never actually had a discussion about full back door access. I don’t need it like Reed does, but I can’t say I wouldn’t love to have Jazz’s tight ass hugging my cock. I find myself curious about how open-minded she is on the subject.
