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“I need to be surrounded by many different people engaging in sexual behavior,” he panted. “Or if I’m directly involved, I need to be exceedingly aroused.”

“Is that why you run a sex club? Why your house is located directly beneath one?”

“Yes. All of my businesses in that building have been sexual in nature. They’ve always been lucrative, but I don’t do it for the money or the lifestyle that comes with it. The energy…charges my powers. I’m stronger than other vampires because of it. My physical strength, my speed, my senses, everything is better when I’m regularly surrounded by sex.”

I thought about that for a moment. That explained so much. “One more question.”

He whimpered. “Can’t it wait until…after?”

I looked down at my hand which had stopped moving. Oops, I must’ve been distracted. Man, as far as penises went, this sure was a pretty one. “Last one, I promise. You can answer while my mouth is full.”

He groaned. “Hurry, please.”

I smiled at his impatience. “If sex is a substitute for blood…why didn’t you, you know, take care of yourself while you were in New York? Wouldn’t that have helped you manage the bloodlust?” I began deep throating him. I’m a woman of my word and all.

“I tried at first,” he gasped. “That’s when I learned that I needed such a high concentration of it. When self-service wasn’t working, and I had no blood to drink, I eventually lost the energy to try.”

Satisfied with the information he gave me, I picked up the pace and really went to town. I licked and kissed and sucked every beautiful inch of him until he was wrung dry. That wasn’t an easy task considering how many inches there were. Literally seconds after I finished, or after he finished, rather, my phone rang. I let the call go to voicemail but then Leo’s started ringing too.

“Ugh!” I groaned as I pulled the pillow over my head.

He reached over and grabbed his phone off the nightstand. “Yes?” I could hear a man’s voice on the other end but I couldn’t tell who it was. “Yes, we moved hotels. We’re a few blocks down on the corner of Aston and Fleet.” He sighed. “It doesn’t sound like you’re giving me much of a choice. Fine. We’ll see you soon.” He ended the call and lifted the pillow off my face. “My dear, you need to get dressed; we have company coming.”

“Takk?” Ugh, I so didn’t want to deal with that guy right now.

He clenched his jaw. “No, not Takk.”



Huh? There was no way I’d heard him correctly. “Who?” I could feel the anger coming off him in waves. I didn’t really need him to repeat himself.

“My sweet, it seems the detective is in Ireland.”

Yep, I was freaking out. Why was Vance in Ireland? Okay, I couldn’t say I was really surprised, since he’d told me he was planning a trip…but come on! Showing up without even calling first? I thought we had agreed that he’d wait until after Leo and I met with the guardians! Erica’s trip to her sister’s house must have sped up the timeline. Dammit!

While I was getting ready, I had to keep reminding myself that I had done nothing wrong. I had no reason whatsoever to feel guilty. What Leo and I shared was beautiful and exciting and special. I didn’t want to tarnish that with guilt. But wasn’t that exactly what I did when Vance and I were together? Felt guilty anytime Leo was near? Ugh! I felt like I was fighting a losing battle. There was no way to be with one man and not hurt the other, and I couldn’t stand the thought of hurting either.

I was thankful that Leo had the wherewithal to have my things transferred from our old suite. I definitely didn’t want to face Vance in Leo’s borrowed clothes. Been there, done that. Leo was stomping around silently, definitely pissed off. I knew that he could sense my unease, which only seemed to irritate him further.

The hotel phone rang as I was putting the finishing touches on my makeup. “Yes?” Leo said tersely. “No, don’t send him up. I’ll be right down. Thank you.”

“He’s here?” I started fidgeting.

He walked into the sitting room. “Yes, are you ready?”

I followed him. “Yep, let’s go.” I quickly glanced at the rumpled bed behind me and closed the bedroom door. The smell of sex lingered throughout the room and I was not ready for the inevitable blowout that would ensue if Vance came up here for some reason.

I spotted him as soon as the elevator doors opened. Leo had placed a possessive hand around the back of my neck as we approached. Vance had clearly noticed because he was glaring daggers in the vicinity of my throat.

“Detective,” Leo said and nodded.

“Vampire,” Vance managed through gritted teeth.

Oh, goody! They were starting their pissing match already.

“Did Erica get to Shanna’s house okay?” I asked.
