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Leo took one look inside and scrunched his face. I’m sure such humble accommodations were not something he’d seen in a long time. Leo only went for the best money could buy. To his credit though, he didn’t say a word. The thought of either one of these giants squeezing onto a twin bed and sharing a bathroom was laughable. I would be cracking up if I weren’t so on edge.

“Where’s my room?” I asked.

“Co-habitation is not permitted,” she spat. “You will stay with us in one of the outbuildings.” Jeez, she was acting like I’d just suggested an orgy.

I rolled my eyes. “Is there another room down here? No offense, but I’m not comfortable being so far away from the only people I trust.”

Her face reddened. “How dare you! We dedicate our entire lives to protect your people!”

I motioned back and forth between the guys. “Again, no offense, but these are my people. I don’t know you, or anyone living on Faerie for that matter, from Adam. I know I am safe with them.”

Both Vance and Leo smiled at my gusto. Talia huffed. “You are the most insolent, unappreciative Fae I’ve ever met!” She walked down the hall and unlocked the last door. “Here! The exit at the top of the stairs will be warded. Do not think of attempting to breach it or our agreement is off.”

With that, she stomped away.

“I don’t like being trapped down here.” I whined.

“Me neither,” Leo agreed.

“You guys, we’ll be fine.” Vance said. He eyed Leo before adding, “Put yourselves in their shoes. They warded the door for their own protection, not to keep us prisoner.”

“I still don’t like it.” Leo paced the hall like a caged lion.

Vance sighed. “Look, it’s not ideal, but these witches are our only ticket to Faerie. We need to respect their boundaries.”

I yawned. “I guess we should probably try to get some sleep, huh?”

“I don’t need to sleep,” Leo snapped. Wow, he was really agitated.

I brushed my hand against his arm. “Hey, are you okay? I mean, with your abilities being taken away and being stuck down here?”

Vance grinned. He was definitely enjoying Leo’s discomfort. “What’s wrong, Vampire? Are you scared?”

“Be careful, Detective,” Leo warned.

“Or what?” Vance laughed. “You wouldn’t know what to do with me without your powers.”

Leo clenched his fists. “I still have at least thirty pounds of muscle on you. I haven’t forgotten how to use it.”

“I’d like to see you try,” Vance taunted.

I stepped between them. “Oh jeez, you two, knock it off. Here’s a novel idea: why don’t you stop trying to prove who’s the bigger, badder dude and just go to your rooms?” I didn’t even give them a chance to respond before walking to mine and slamming the door. If they needed to get some aggression out, I was staying out of it.

I crawled into bed thinking about our ridiculous situation. Was this what it was like bringing your boyfriend home for the holidays? I knew what both men looked like naked, in very intimate detail, yet I was lying here behind closed doors, pretending I didn’t. I was actually glad that these rooms weren’t big enough to support two people. I wanted to be close to Leo, to have a chance to finish our conversation, but I didn’t want to rub our relationship in Vance’s face. If we even had a relationship, I amended. After the feeling I’d gotten earlier, I wasn’t so sure anymore.

I was lying in the dark staring at the ceiling for hours. My head was filled with questions that I needed answers to. What was Faerie like? What were the people like? Would we be welcomed into their realm or would they treat us with suspicion? What exactly did being omnipotent mean for me? What the hell did Michaela mean when she said I was needed in Faerie? What possible use could I be to them when I couldn’t control my powers? On top of everything else, my biggest worry was Leo. Had he been trying to brush me off earlier? I couldn’t shake the feeling for some reason.

There was a light knock on my door before it was cracked open. “My dear, may I come in?”

I sat up and turned on the lamp. “Of course, Leo.”

He closed the door quietly and sat at the foot of the bed. As he lightly traced his fingers over my leg, he asked, “What’s bothering you?”

His ability to sense my mood through our blood bond was actually a good thing tonight. I desperately wanted to talk but couldn’t find the nerve to initiate the conversation.

I grabbed a hair tie from my wrist and pulled my locks into a ponytail. “Lots of things.”

“Such as?”
