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“Oh, I love trees,” said Emma, “and you’ve always been so good at landscapes.”

“It won’t be that kind of tree, Grandmama.”

“I don’t understand,” said Emma, “a tree is a tree.”

“Unless it’s symbolic,” suggested Harry, smiling at his granddaughter.

“And what’s your resolution, Grandpops? Is your book going to win the Booker?”

“Not a hope,” said Grace. “That prize will never be awarded to a storyteller, more’s the pity. But I can tell you all, because I’m the only person in this room who’s read it, that Harry’s latest novel is by far his most accomplished work to date. He’s more than fulfilled his mother’s hopes, so he can take a year off.”

Harry was taken by surprise. He’d planned to tell the family he’d be having a major operation in January, but that there was no need to worry because he’d only be out of action for a few weeks.

“What about you, Emma?” said Giles. “Are you planning to be PM by this time next year?”

“I don’t think so,” said Emma. “But I do intend to be even more of an infidel next year than I was last year,” she added, putting her glass down on the table, and spilling a little wine.

“What’s an infidel?” asked Jake.

“Someone who votes Conservative,” said Giles.

“Then I want to be infidel. But only if Freddie’s an infidel too.”

“I most certainly am,” said Freddie.

“I often think it’s comical—

How Nature always does contrive—

That every boy and every gal—

That’s born into the world alive—

Is either a little Liberal—

Or else a little Conservative!”

“Lyricist?” demanded Grace.

“W. S. Gilbert.”

“Which operetta?”

“Iolanthe,” said Freddie, “and as I’m already an infidel, I’ve decided to come up with a new resolution this year.”

“But you haven’t scored that century at Lord’s yet,” Giles reminded him.

“I still intend to, but by this time next year, I will have changed my name.”

Freddie’s unexpected announcement left everyone, even Jake, speechless.

“But I’ve always liked Freddie,” Emma eventually managed. “I think it rather suits you.”

“Freddie’s not the name I want to change. From January first, I’d like to be known as Freddie Barrington.”

The round of applause that followed left Freddie in no doubt that the family approved of his New Year’s resolution.

“It’s a simple enough procedure,” said Grace, ever practical. “You only have to sign a deed poll and Fenwick will be a thing of the past.”
