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“No need to say anything. After all, he has no reason to suspect that you stumbled across the name Pengelly while you were in Moscow for a book conference, and I certainly haven’t enlightened him.”

“Thank you, Sir Alan. It was good of you to brief me.”

“Not at all. And by the way, Mr. Clifton, many congratulations. Well deserved.”

* * *

After Giles had left No. 10, he made his way quickly back to his home in Smith Square. He was relieved it was Markham’s day off, and once he’d opened the front door, he immediately went upstairs to the bedroom. He switched on the bedside light, drew the curtains, and pulled back the top sheet. Although it was only just after six o’clock, the street lamps in Smith Square were already ablaze.

He was halfway down the stairs when the front doorbell rang. He ran to open it and found a young man standing on the doorstep. Behind him was an unmarked black van, its back doors open. The man thrust out his hand. “I’m Dr. Weeden. I think you’re expecting us?”

“I am,” said Giles, as two men emerged from the back of the van and gently offloaded a stretcher.

“Follow me,” said Giles, leading them upstairs to the bedroom. The two orderlies lifted the unconscious woman off the stretcher and placed her on the bed. Giles pulled the blanket over his wife, as the stretcher bearers left without a word.

The doctor checked her pulse. “I’ve given her a sedative, so she’ll be asleep for a couple of hours. When she wakes she may well imagine for a moment that it was all a nightmare, but once she finds she’s in familiar surroundings she’ll quickly recover and recall exactly what happened. She’s bound to wonder how much you know, so you have a little time to think about that.”

“I already have,” said Giles, before accompanying Dr. Weeden downstairs and opening the front door. The two men shook hands a second time before the doctor climbed into the front of the black van without a backward glance. The anonymous vehicle drove slowly around Smith Square then turned right and joined the heavy evening traffic.

Once the van was out of sight, Giles closed the door and ran back upstairs. He pulled up a chair and sat down by his sleeping wife.

* * *

Giles must have fallen asleep because the next thing he knew Karin was sitting up in bed and staring at him. He blinked, smiled, and took her in his arms.

“It’s all over, my darling. You’re safe now,” he said.

“I thought if you ever found out, you’d never forgive me,” she said, clinging onto him.

“There’s nothing to forgive. Let’s forget about the past and concentrate on the future.”

“But it’s important I tell you everything,” said Karin. “No more secrets.”

“Alan Redmayne has already fully briefed me,” said Giles, trying to reassure her.

“Not fully,” Karin said, releasing him. “Even he doesn’t know everything, and I can’t go on living a lie.” Giles looked at her anxiously. “The truth is, I used you to get out of Germany. Yes, I liked you, but once I was safely in England I intended to escape from both you and Pengelly and start a new life. And I would have, if I hadn’t fallen in love with you.” Giles took her hand. “But in order to keep you, I had to make sure Pengelly still believed I was working for him. It was Cynthia Forbes-Watson who came to my rescue.”

“Mine too,” said Giles. “But in my case I fell in love with you after the night we spent together in Berlin. It wasn’t my fault you took a little longer to realize just how lucky you were.” Karin burst out laughing and wrapped her arms around him. When she released him, Giles said, “I’ll go and make you a cup of tea.”

Only the British, thought Karin.


“WHAT TIME ARE WE commanded to attend Her Majesty’s pleasure?” asked Emma, with a grin, unwilling to admit how proud she was of her husband, and how much she was looking forward to the occasion. Unlike the board meeting she would be chairing later that week, which was rarely far from her mind.

“Any time between ten and eleven,” said Harry, checking his invitation card.

“Did you remember to book the car?”

“Yesterday afternoon. And I double-checked first thing this morning,” he added as the front doorbell rang.

“That will be Seb,” said Emma. She looked at her watch. “And he’s on time for a change.”

“I don’t think he was ever going to be late for this one,” Karin said.


s rose from his place at the breakfast table when Markham opened the door and stood aside to allow Jessica, Seb, and a heavily pregnant Samantha to join them.
