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“How sweet of you to say so, Virginia,” said the duke, not letting go of her hand. “I do hope you’ll keep in touch.”

You need have no fear about that, thought Virginia. “Nothing would give me greater pleasure, your grace,” she said, giving him a slight curtsey.

“His grace, the Duke of Westminster,” announced the butler.

Virginia moved on into the great hall, and while the elks and boars stared down from the walls above, her eyes swept the room in search of the three people she needed to see, and the one person she hoped to avoid. She declined several offers of canapés and wine, well aware that her time was restricted and she had a job to do.

She stopped to chat to Miles Norfolk, although he was only a pit stop on her progress to the checkered flag. And then she saw him, leaning against the Adam fireplace, chatting to an elderly man she didn’t recognize. She left Miles and began to drift in his direction, and the moment the elderly gentleman turned to talk to another guest, she moved in like a laser beam on her target.

“Clarence. You may not remember me.”

“You a

re not easily forgettable, Lady Virginia,” he ventured. “Father always speaks so warmly of you.”

“How kind of him,” gushed Virginia. “Are you still serving with the Blues and Royals?”

“I am indeed, but unfortunately I’m about to be posted overseas. I’m sorry to be going abroad so soon after my mother’s death.”

“But the duke will have the support of your sisters.”

“Sadly not. Camilla is married to a sheep farmer in New Zealand. A hundred thousand acres, can you believe it? They’ll be returning to Christchurch in a few days’ time.”

“That is unfortunate, and must place quite a responsibility on Alice’s shoulders.”

“And there’s the rub. Alice has been offered a senior position with L’Oréal in New York. I know she’s thinking of turning it down, but Papa insists she shouldn’t miss such a golden opportunity.”

“How typical of your father. But if you think it might help, Clarence, I’d be only too happy to drop in and see him from time to time.”

“That would take a weight off my mind, Lady Virginia. But I must warn you, the old man can be quite a handful. Sometimes I think he’s nearer seven than seventy.”

“That’s a challenge I’d relish,” said Virginia. “I don’t exactly have a lot going on in my life at the moment, and I’ve always enjoyed your father’s company. Perhaps I could drop you a line from time to time and let you know how he’s getting on.”

“How considerate, Lady Virginia. I just hope you won’t find him too much of a burden.”

“A bloody good show you’ve put on, Clarence,” declared a portly man who joined them. “You’ve done the old girl proud.”

“Thank you, Uncle Percy,” said Clarence, as Virginia slipped away to continue her three-pronged attack. The missile changed direction and headed toward its second target.

“Congratulations on your new job, Alice, and I’m bound to say, I agree with your father. You shouldn’t turn down such a wonderful opportunity.”

“How kind of you to say so,” said Alice, not altogether sure who she was talking to. “But I still haven’t made up my mind whether or not to take up the offer.”

“But why not, my dear? After all, you may never get another chance like this again.”

“I suppose you’re right. But I’m already feeling guilty about leaving Papa to fend for himself.”

“No need to, my dear, believe me. In any case, there will be more than enough of us to make sure he’s well occupied. So off you go, and show those Yanks what we British are made of.”

“I know that’s what he wants,” said Alice, “but I just can’t bear the idea of him being on his own so soon after dear Mama’s death.”

“You needn’t worry yourself on that count,” said Virginia, who was pleased to see Giles paying his respects to the duke before he left.

Virginia gave Alice a warm hug before heading off in search of her final prey. A mother, a father, and three small children were not difficult to locate, but this time she wasn’t greeted with quite the same enthusiasm.

“Hello, I’m—” began Virginia.

“I know exactly who you are,” said Lady Camilla, and before Virginia could deliver her next well-prepared sentence, she turned her back on her and started chatting to an old school friend, making no attempt to include Virginia in the conversation. Virginia quickly took her leave before anyone could notice the slight. Two out of three wasn’t a bad return, especially as the one failure lived on the other side of the world. Virginia saw no purpose in hanging around any longer, so she made her way across to the duke to bid him farewell … for now.
