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“I’m going to join a gym and lose half a stone.”

“But that was your resolution last year!”

“I know,” said Emma, “and now I need to lose a stone.”

“Me too,” said Giles, “but unlike Emma at least I’ve achieved last year’s resolution.”

“Remind us?” said Harry.

“I swore I’d get back on the front bench and be offered a challenging portfolio now that Michael Foot had finally resigned and made way for someone who actually wants to live in Number Ten.”

“Which portfolio has Mr. Kinnock asked you to shadow?” asked Grace.

Giles couldn’t help grinning.

“No,” said Emma, “you wouldn’t dare! I presume you turned him down?”

“I couldn’t resist it,” said Giles. “So my New Year’s resolution is to frustrate, harass, and cause as many problems as possible for the government, and in particular its minister for health.”

“You’re a rat!” said Emma.

“No, to be fair, sis, I’m a rat catcher.”

“Time out,” said Harry, laughing. “Before you two come to blows, who’s next?”

“Freddie, perhaps?” suggested Karin.

It had been Freddie’s first Christmas at the Manor House, and Jessica had mothered him like an only child, while Jake never seemed to be more than a few steps behind his new friend.

“My New Year’s resolution,” said Freddie, “will be the same this year, and every year, until I have achieved it.” Freddie may not have intended to, but he’d caught everyone’s attention. “I shall score a century at Lord’s, and emulate my father.”

Giles turned away, not wishing to embarrass the boy.

“And once you’ve done that, what next?” asked Harry, when he saw his oldest friend close to tears.

“A double century, Sir Harry,” said Freddie without hesitation.

“It won’t be difficult to work out what you’ll want the following year, once you’ve achieved that,” said Grace.

Everyone laughed.

“Now it’s your turn, Karin,” said Emma.

“I’ve decided to run the London Marathon, and to raise money for immigrants who want to go to university.”

“How far is a marathon?” asked Samantha.

“Just over twenty-six miles.”

“Rather you than me. But put me down for five pounds a mile.”

“That’s very generous, Sam,” said Karin.

“Me too,” said Sebastian.

“And me,” added Giles.

“Thank you, but no thank you,” said Karin, taking a notebook from her pocket. “I already had Samantha down for five pounds a mile, and the rest of you will be expected to give the same proportion of your income.”
