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I ignored Mrs. Snyder’s calling me as she followed me up the school hallway. Outside the class, I looked in to see what was going on. Ellie was on her knees with all the kids around her and they were acting out animals or something. I smiled. It was the first I’d seen her in nearly two weeks. She was in her element. The kids buzzed around her like she was honey. She smiled, making eye contact with all of them. And in the middle of it, Mollie grinned as she flapped her arms like a bird. It was one of the most beautiful and touching things I’d ever seen.

I opened the door and entered the class.

Ellie’s eyes caught mine and it took her a moment to register who I was. When she did, she looked like a deer with her eyes caught in the headlights as she stood.

“Daddy! Look, I’m a bird.”

“You’re a beautiful bird,” I said, but my gaze stayed on Ellie.

“Wil- uh, Mr. Mathers,” Ellie stammered.

I moved closer to her, vaguely aware of the assistant, Ms. Hatcher, stepping in to corral the children. “Did you end things because you were threatened with your job?”

“Mr. Mathers.” Mrs. Snyder’s annoyed voice came from the doorway.

Ellie looked to Mrs. Snyder and then me. She nodded at my question.

I stepped closer to her. There were still several feet between us, but I had to get close enough to look into her beautiful blue eyes. To see the truth of the answer to the question I was about to ask. I took a deep breath, knowing I was putting my heart on the line. “If Mollie wasn’t your student, wasn’t in this school…if your job wasn’t at risk, would you want to see me?”

“Yes.” Her answer came so fast I nearly missed it.

But when it registered, my heart felt so fucking full, it was all I could do to keep from grabbing her and holding her tight. But I was in the middle of a kindergarten class.

I kept my gaze on Ellie, as I said, “Alright then. Mollie, sweetheart, go grab your backpack. We’re going home.”

“Mr. Mathers you can’t just pull your daughter from class two weeks before school is out,” Mrs. Snyder said.

I swung around to her. “You might be able to dictate what your teachers do, but I know for a fact I can do whatever I want with my own daughter.”

“Yes, of course, but Mollie is a sensitive child. Such an abrupt change won’t be good for her.”

“Says the woman who was going to put her with a different teacher.”

Mrs. Snyder’s eyes flashed with surprise. She recovered quickly. “It’s not good for her to miss school, even just two weeks.”

“Well, Mrs. Snyder, as it turns out, I have a neighbor that’s a kindergarten teacher who Mollie loves.”

“And next year, Mr. Mathers?” Mrs. Snyder quirked a brow.

I scoffed. “You do know there are other schools in this town, don’t you? I can send her to a private school or home school her. I have options for Mollie’s education, but when it comes to my heart, Ellie Webb is my only option.”

I turned then to Ellie, who’s breath hitched and her eyes filled with tears. I hoped to hell those were happy tears. Ms. Hatcher sighed. The rest of the students were at their tables doing whatever activity Ms. Hatcher had given them.

“Daddy? Are you mad?” Mollie walked up to me with her backpack on.

“No, baby. Not anymore.” I desperately wanted to kiss Ellie. Or at least hold her, but I didn’t want to push my luck. I was afraid I’d already hurt her job. So, I looked at her. “When you’re done here, maybe you can come over.”

She swallowed and nodded.

I turned to Mrs. Snyder. “Do you have that paperwork?”

Her eyes were intense as she studied me. “Not yet. I’ll pull it together and send it to you through Ms. Webb. You still need to sign Mollie out for today.”

I nodded and took Mollie’s hand. “Come on, Mollie, we’re going home.”

“But school isn’t done yet, daddy.”

“It is for today, sweetheart.” I glanced down to make sure Mollie wasn’t in any sort of distress. She looked confused but not unsettled. Deciding she was okay, I walked her down to the office where I signed her out, and then we drove home.

As I got a snack for Mollie, I checked my watch. Two-thirty. Ellie would be home in two hours. My breath hitched as anticipation rippled through me. Would Ellie come over? Or had I made a fool of myself? The next two hours were going to be the longest of my life.

Chapter 19


I stood in the middle of my classroom stunned. Did Will just come in my class and take Mollie out so he could be with me?

“Ms. Webb?”

In a fog, I turned to Ms. Hatcher’s voice. “You okay?”

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