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Then he kissed me and his hands were roaming my body. Every touch sent me reeling with need and love as we undressed each other. He pressed me to the bed, his body so warm, his heart beating against mine as he looked down on me.

“I need to be in you, Ellie. I’m sorry this will be fast.”

“Yes, I want you now, Will.” I opened for him, inviting him in, needing him to fill the emptiness I’d felt during our estrangement.

“Look at me, Ellie.”

I stared into his blue eyes.

“I love you.” Then he pressed inside me, slow but steady until he filled the hole in my heart caused by his absence.

“I love you, Will. So much…so much.” I tilted my hips, taking him in deeper.

He kissed my cheek, my jaw, and then my lips, before looking down on me. I smiled up at him, loving that we could be like this. His body seeped inside mine, savoring the love, the intimacy.

“We’re making love now, Ellie.”

I nodded. “Yes.”

“It’s not the first time.”

My breath caught. “No.”

He cocked his head.

“I knew something was different the last time you brought me to your bed.”

“And you still dumped me.” He said it with a smirk, so I knew he wasn’t mad.

“I thought it was wishful thinking on my end.”

“No.” He withdrew and slid in again making me gasp with pleasure. “This is real, Ellie.”

“Yes. Make love to me, Will. I love how you touch me.”

His blue eyes flared with heat, and his cock thickened and pulsed inside me. The time for soft talk and slow sex was over. Now, it was time to give and get pleasure that could only come from two people who loved each other.

His hands cradled my face as he thrust in and out, strong and steady. He dipped his head, sucked my nipple deep into his mouth, making me cry out as pleasure shot through my whole body.

“Fuck, I love how your pussy grips me.” He growled as he began to surge more powerfully. He levered up on his hands, his cock throbbing now, taking me higher and higher until I thought I’d completely come apart. “Come for me, love. I want to feel your sweet pussy come on my cock.”

His words combined with the friction from his thrusting pushed me to the apex.

“Now, baby, now.” His lips sucked my nipple again and like a blast from a launch pad, he fired me into the stratosphere.

“Yes! So, fucking good, Ellie…holy shit…” He threw his head back as his body bucked and thrusted until I felt his hot seed fill me. Together we moved, drawing out each other’s pleasure until spent, he collapsed on me. He rolled off but pulled me close so I was still wrapped up in his arms.

We lay there for a moment, and I kissed his cheek. “Will?”

“Yes, baby.”

“You’re so worth losing my job over.”

He let out a laugh. “I’m just glad you can have both.”

“What were you going to do with Mollie?”

“Hire you to tutor her.”

I laughed.

“We belong together, Ellie. You, me and Mollie.”

Somehow, that statement hit me more so than his telling me he loved me. I was a part of them. I don’t remember ever feeling more complete or content as I did at that moment. I didn’t know what to say, so I simply kissed him and hoped he could feel how much he meant to me, and how much I was looking forward to whatever our lives would bring.

Chapter 20


That first night Ellie and I consummated our love, I’d been scared shitless, and yet, I trusted her and what we could build together, so I’d jumped headfirst into our relationship. Rick was right – when love worked, it was fucking awesome.

When summer came and school let out, Ellie pretty much moved in with me and Mollie, and we made arrangements to rent out her condo. It seemed ridiculous to have two places when there was no way I wasn’t going to have her in my bed every night.

With both Mollie and Ellie out of school for the summer, they spent their days playing while I worked, but I often got jealous and would cut work short so I could join them at the beach or whatever outing they were going on. To make sure I was getting enough work done to get paid, I’d get up at 5 a.m. and work for a bit, then I’d wake up Ellie, often by making love to her. Then she and Mollie would do whatever they had planned while I worked a little bit more.

We spent July 4th at my parents’ house, and my mother fell in love with Ellie. Well, of course, she did. What wasn’t to love about Ellie?

Of course, my mother didn’t like that she wasn’t as much in need anymore, and that night, as I lay spent on top of Ellie with my seed dripping from her pussy, she said, “I think we need to find a reason for Mollie to go to your mom’s house.”
