Page 9 of Cruz's Salvation

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Vaguely, she heard Cruz groaning as her pussy massaged his, but so lost in her orgasm, she was unable to process a single thought. Only when she felt the air breeze by her, and gained any muscle strength back, did she realize Cruz had flipped positions. Now, straddling his waist, she opened her eyes and found Cruz looking sexier than ever. His eyes traveled the length of her as he ran his hand down the center of her breasts and along her stomach.

He grinned, the sexiest damn smile she’d ever seen. “Ready for another?”

“Damn right I am.” Kiara rocked her hips, a little awkwardly at first, not knowing how to move, the position so foreign to her.

Cruz raised his hands to her hips to assist her, and in no time, Kiara felt comfortable in her movements. Keeping her hands on his chest, she reeled in how deep he lingered in the position, touching her very center. Her head fell back and Cruz groaned, indicating he liked the view.

Kiara would appease his wants and decided to give him a show. She brought her head back down and continued to ride him, circle her hips, thrust them back and forth, but now raised her hands to her breasts. She fondled them and pinched her nipples in a way to tease him.

Cruz’s eyes burned. His gaze stayed on her show a little while before she saw his jaw clench. As he looked back to her eyes, the corners of his mouth turned up and his cock throbbed inside of her.

Stilling her movements, he lifted her above him, keeping the tip of his erection inside of her. “My wolf, enjoy your strength now because when I’m done with you, walking will be a challenge.”

Before she had a chance to respond, Cruz unleashed the desire she’d witnessed swelling inside of him. From underneath, he thrust into her with such speed, such force, Kiara had no other choice than to place her hands on his chest and believe he wasn’t kidding.

No sound came from her mouth, breathing not possible now. Not even the acknowledgement Cruz was the reason for her pleasure. Not until she felt Cruz pull her nipple into his mouth and sink his fangs into her skin to draw blood did she have any sense of the now. All pleasure. Hard core ecstasy.

He took in the first draw of blood and Kiara’s pussy clamped against him. Didn’t vibrate like before, but strangled his cock, and she screamed. She fought against the wave of elation starting at her nipple where he drank to soar down to her pussy. Her womb tightened, and her muscles tensed as the never-ending climax built to extremes.

Kiara heard herself curse, felt the break of tension to erupt into an orgasm leaving her to quiver and shudder, scream out with the intensity of her release. Cruz roared through his own release and bit deeper against her nipple, forcing another scream out of Kiara as her climax rolled through her again.

A lick against her breast tickled her sensitive skin and she gasped, knowing he’d sealed the wound, but her nerves buds were too awakened to handle any more pleasure he gave her. Dropping down on his chest, she panted, totally spent.

Minutes drew long as Kiara attempted to recover. Her muscles held no strength, her body exhausted, and thoughts stayed well away from her mind. As she drew in another long, deep breath, Cruz stiffened and Kiara found the strength to move. She rose up above him, looking down. Love shone in his eyes, but something else did too, concern.

“We’ve got company,” he growled.

Kiara couldn’t get sense back into her mind. She had trouble recovering from the mindless state she’d just been in. She gave her head a shake to clear the fog, and followed Cruz’s gaze.

There, standing in the doorway, was Milo. Rage oozed off him. “Your father sent me to find you,” he snarled. “But now, I wish I’d never come. Not only has my future mate given a gift away meant for me, but she’s done so with a fucking bloodsucker.”

Kiara heard herself curse again, but for a whole other reason.

Chapter Five

Death stared Cruz in the face, but not his own. Kiara held his concern. It had been one thing for Kiara to lose her virginity; another thing entirely for her to give her virginity to a vampire. Only one choice remained.

Cruz gave Kiara a little push, issuing her go to the corner of the room. “Stay there and do not move.” His focus stayed on the werewolf at the door, who readied himself for the fight ahead, all tense and alert.

Cruz couldn’t just injure Milo. The werewolf had to die.

With full force of his vampire speed, Cruz lunged at Milo, plowing into him, sending them both back into the hallway. Mid-flight, Milo’s mortal form shifted to fur, and as they landed, he snuck out from under Cruz and ran into the living room. Not to hide—Cruz never doubted that. He needed the space to form his attack. Cruz jumped up and rushed in behind him.

If he thought Milo would be an easy fight, Cruz would’ve just been proven wrong. The Alpha stood proud in front of him. A large wolf, and with his lip pulled up in a snarl exposing white teeth, Milo wouldn’t just lie down and die.

The wind breezed past Cruz as he shot forward, grabbed onto Milo’s neck, and sent them both flying in the air to crash against the far wall of the cabin. He heard Kiara screaming from the bedroom, but was pleased she had listened to him and stayed in the room. He wanted her to stay put and stay safe. And he suspected if he never sai

d anything, she’d be in here fighting Milo herself. Something he didn’t want.

Wresting against Milo, Cruz kept his arms around his neck, trying to hold Milo still. If he could get a good hold, he’d snap his neck and the fight would end. But the wolf proved powerful, and with the continuous bites he offered, Cruz had a hard time holding him.

He needed another approach. Pushing Milo away, he lurched to his feet to examine his opponent. Milo’s snarl deepened as he paced in front of Cruz. “You have a choice, wolf. You can leave now and the matter is forgotten.”

Milo growled, a deep rumble Cruz felt vibrate along the floor.

“Your choice has been made, has it?” Cruz steadied himself, prepared for Milo’s response.

Milo barked.
