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“Give it to me, Evan.” Her lips parted while she jerked him. His balls drew up as her pretty eyes were fixated on his. She clearly wasn’t calling for his orgasm just to make him blow, she called to it because she wanted him…to taste him.

No woman had ever made such a demand, which was all it took to tip him over the edge. His body jerked as one final intense wave of pleasure stormed through it. Heat blasted from his stomach into his balls then erupted throughout him as his cum exploded from his cock.

With loud grunts, he bucked and jerked as she accepted all of his semen into her mouth. He waited for her to show some type of revulsion, but she merely closed her lips, her eyes fluttered closed and she swallowed.

Trembling with the aftereffects of his release, he groaned in recovery, and she flicked that now-clean tongue along his cock head. He gasped, overtaken from the sensitivity and nearly moved away, but her hold on his thighs stopped him.

After she thoroughly cleaned him, she wiped the corners of her lips, drew the tip of her finger into her mouth and sucked. There, on her knees, was a woman who had just blindsided him.

He had never enjoyed not being in control because most women couldn’t deliver if they held the reins. Brooke could. Lowering back, she settled on her legs, smiling up at him. Consumed with sheer admiration for her, he leaned down and sealed his mouth over hers—a hard kiss to show his approval. Her lips followed his as he danced his tongue with hers and her sweet little moans encouraged him.

After a nibble on her bottom lip, he backed away and ran his knuckles over her cheek. “Mission accomplished.” At the tilt of her head, he added, “You proved yourself worthy.”

Her sassy grin returned. “All in a day’s work, Mr. Marshall.”

Chapter Three

The sight of Brooke’s bare ass surrounded by a black lace garter was enough to make Evan’s spent cock jerk. Her high heels clicked against the marble floor as she strode down the long hallway with white wainscoting and he stayed purposely behind her to admire that sexy bottom. Christ, she looked spectacular in a skirt, but wrapped in lingerie, he’d never seen anything hotter.

Glancing over her shoulder, she winked at him. “Enjoying the view?”

“Immensely,” he replied with no shame.

She chuckled softly. “Glad you think so, Mr. Marshall.” Looking back in front of her, she continued with that fluid stride, making her look as though she were a tigress on a hunt. As she rounded a corner, she disappeared from sight and Evan quickened his steps to find her.

Once he passed the bend in the hallway, he noticed a bedroom door to his right. When he entered, he spotted a large king-size bed against the far wall with a steel headboard and solid cherrywood furniture that decorated the space.

After a quick glance around, Brooke was nowhere to be found. Then he heard the shower turn on. He smiled, pleased she’d thought of it, since he was drenched in sweat and needed a rinse off.

He strode through the huge bedroom, tossed his clothes onto a chair in the corner and he entered the bathroom. In front of him was a two-person shower and the rest of the space resembled the other parts of the house—lavish and modern.

However, the who in the shower interested him more than the fancy house. Brooke, now nude, her lingerie and high heels resting on the side of her soaker tub, stood under the showerhead. She’d pulled her hair up in a bun on top of her head and her body glistened with the water.

Instead of standing there like some idiot and salivating over the woman, he approached the shower, opened the door and stepped in. At his appearance, she turned around. His gaze traveled the length of her, stopping at the water trailing off her nipples and he grunted.

“Come here,” she murmured.

He closed the distance between them and she pushed him under the showerhead. The warm water rushed down his neck and over his back while she closed in behind him. Her breasts squished against him and if his dick wasn’t dead at the moment, it would’ve been rock-hard.

Wrapping her hands around his middle, she spread the water over his chest and stomach. He raised his hands to his head and gave his scalp a scrub to rinse the sweat away.

When he lowered his hands, she backed away, and he glanced over his shoulder to see her fetching the bottle of soap from the ledge. She squirted a few pumps into her hand, placed it down closer to them then lathered the soap in her palms.

To his shock, the woman started at his neck, running her hands over his back, then went to his ass, where she circled his buttocks, giving a slight squeeze. She then made her way up to his shoulders, where she massaged them.

Now he groaned for a different reason than arousal. Her gentle touch eased his muscles and relaxation settled into his core. He gave a long exhale, shutting his eyes while her talented hands worked the stress out of his body.

After giving his shoulders a good rub, she proceeded down his back, kneading at each of his muscles until no part of him held tension. The hot water at his front was pleasant and the mountain-fresh soap provided a rich aroma that only added to his tranquil state.

“Turn around,” she whispered.

He obliged her, spinning so the water washed away the soap she’d bathed him in and she added more soap to her hands. Then she spread it over his chest in circular movements. Her gaze remained heated, which surprised him. Two orgasms should’ve satisfied the woman, or so he thought. He had one and that could’ve kept him happy for a month after that experience.

“I love all this fur on your chest. Very manly.” She skimmed over his nipples and he’d never thought himself sensitive that way, but when she touched him, it was as if his body awakened. Her hands caressed up his forearms to his biceps. “Your hard muscles are so sexy.”

He might think she worshipped him to appease him, but the simmer in her expression declared she meant what she said. Besides, he liked her worshipping him.

Her soapy hands traveled down his stomach, and his muscles clenched under her touch as she continued south. She reached over, added more soap to her hands and grinned at him. “Leave the best part for last, wouldn’t you say?”
