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“Your brother did good last night I heard,” Ben, the barman at the strip club, said.

“Yeah, he did. Got banged around as well.”

“Landon is a tough guy. All the Denton men are tough guys.”

Lou stared at Ben. He’d asked her out a couple of times, and she had declined as nicely as she could. They were friends, and he was currently dating one of the strippers. She didn’t know how that was going to go, but he never acted jealous when the girl was dancing. People and relationships were completely strange to her.

“Wow, I didn’t even know you knew a Denton,” she said.

“Everyone knows who they are. They’re the biggest crime family in the world.”

“Great. Crime family and you sound totally in awe of them.”

Ben sighed. “You don’t understand at all. The Dentons are dangerous yet fair. They’re completely crazy, and people always underestimate them as a family at first.”


“Something about the men being head over heels in love. Their enemies seem to think that being in love is in some way a huge sin. It’s not.”

She rolled her eyes as he gazed down her body, landing on her breasts. Part of working in a strip club meant her tits were pressed together, and on show. Fortunately, she’d been allowed to wear pants, but they were the kind that pinched in at the waist giving her an hourglass figure even if her ass and stomach were well rounded. She was never going on a diet again. She probably should, but that wasn’t going to happen today.

“My eyes are up here,” she said.

“Can’t blame a guy for loving a nice pair of tits. What would it take to have yours swinging in front of my face as you ride my cock?” He reached over, stroking a finger down her arm.

“It’s never going to happen, sweetie.” She took hold of his hand, moving it back to his space. “Let’s not get grabby.”

Ben sighed. “Baby, you hurt me.”

“You’ll get over it.”

She watched as he finished her order, placing drinks on her serving tray.

“The Dentons come in every now and again. Not often but when they do, the women go crazy. They’re great tippers, and they’re great for business. Frank is friends with them, and so they stop by every now and again.”

In the last year that she had been there, they hadn’t. “I’ve never seen them.”

“You’ve not been working the nights they have. The women though, they tend to need the next day off to recuperate.”


Ben chuckled. “They’re known for fucking women until they’re sore.”

“In the club?”

“Yep, wherever they go, and there’s always a party with them. They tip well, and they have fun while they do it. Enjoy.”

She took the tray, annoyed that he’d made her more curious than anything. “When was the last time they were here?”

“You called in sick about two months ago, and that’s when they came in last.”

Lou remembered. She’d been so sick, and it had been hard for her to get out of the bathroom with vomiting. In the end she’d had to call Riley to come and help. She asked her mother, but she hadn’t wanted anything to do with her, so the only person left was her brother. Lou avoided her other brothers as they would only try to steal the stuff she’d managed to get over the years.

All her life it had been her and Riley.

Taking the tray, she delivered the order to the table of businessmen, making sure she didn’t cut their view of the woman on stage. She didn’t know who it was today, a new starter or something. The woman didn’t look older than nineteen but her tits were huge, and she was doing everything in her power to show the men how damn dirty she could be.
