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He made to reach out, and Lou flinched away from his touch. She had heard a lot of bad shit about Jacob, and she didn’t even want to be alone with him.

Chapter Three

She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Jacob reached out to touch her but she flinched away from him, and in that moment, he knew that she didn’t have a clue what was going on with him. From the moment he’d caught sight of her in the main room where the party was held, he’d followed her.

When he caught sight of her with his sister, he’d not been able to move. He’d been concerned for his sister as she wasn’t supposed to be visible to the party members, and then he’d waited, listening to her talk. Was there a time when she was sitting on the stairs wishing she was downstairs?

“I’m not going to hurt you.”

“Then why were you going to touch me?”

Lou was such a feisty woman, and nervous as hell. He wondered if she even knew it. “I was just going to tuck your hair behind your ear, Lou,” he said, holding his hand up to show that he meant her no harm.

She quickly tucked her hair behind her ear. “My name is Louisa.”

“I just heard you call yourself Lou with me my sister.”

“I said my friends called me Lou. You’re not a friend.”

“Are you trying to be a bitch?”

“It comes naturally.” She placed her hand on her hip, and he loved it. Jacob loved her attitude.

“So, you’re Riley’s twin.”

“The one you didn’t get to beat up.”

“He held his own in the fight.”

“Can I please get past?” she asked.

He shook his head. “Not at all. I’m intrigued by you.”

She growled, stamping her foot. “You can’t keep me here.”

“I want to take you out on a date.”


Jacob chuckled. She was the first woman who had ever turned him down.

“Do you know how many women there would be who’d love for me to take them out?”

“Then take them out. Go and ask them. I’m not going on a date with you.”

He was about to say something else, but Riley interrupted them. “I’m heading out, sis. Do you want a ride?”

“Yes.” She pushed past him before he had a chance to respond and keep her with him a few moments longer. Fuck, that one touch and he wanted more. He was fucking addicted to her already. Jacob wondered if this was what his father had gone through when he found his mother. It wasn’t fun. It was a fucking nightmare. He watched her walk away from him without even a glance back.

Lou had felt nothing, and he was going to think of her as Lou, and not Louisa.

Riley placed his hand at her back, and if they were not brother and sister he’d have fucking killed the bastard for touching what belonged to him. He followed the twins out of the house, and they only stopped so that Riley could say goodbye to their parents. Lou looked everywhere else.

Only when he was sure that she was okay did he go in search of his parents. He found them both out in the garden staring up at the stars.

“He made it, baby, I told you he would.”

“No more, Maddox. No more fighting.”
