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“God, babygirl. You just made me the happiest Daddy in the world. That’s exactly how I feel. How I feel when I come inside you. I’ve never felt anything like that before. Like I was delivering you my soul, for you to keep it for me. It almost hurt it was so intense, but I never wanted it to end.”

My eyes snap back to see him looking out the window. His jaw is tight and his brow pulls together.

“What is it?” He looks so sad, and it doesn’t seem right after telling me how happy it made him.

“You are everything to me, Angel. You’ll never know the lengths I would go to just to protect you. To keep you safe. I love you more than you will ever know.”

It’s happening so fast, and yet it feels exactly right. All those months of just talking to each other... Andrea was right; it was more than just being friendly, and deep down I knew it even then. But I was scared. In the time we spent together at the shop, he’d asked me so many questions about myself. At the time I guess I didn’t put it together, but he was learning all about me and I was already becoming part of him.

Clearly, his lifestyle is different than mine, and for a moment it slaps around inside me that I couldn’t ever be what he wants me to be. But the way he looks at me, the things he says, he can’t be faking it.

His hand lifts from between my legs to gently caress my tits, moving back and forth between them as I lay spread and supine for him.

I know I’m head over heels in love with him – I have been for a while. I think I was in love with him after the first couple of times he came into the shop. But I’m not ready to return the words, not yet. I’m just not quite there. But it doesn’t seem to matter to him, he doesn’t even falter.

My hand drifts to the muscles of his back, stroking the hard flesh as the cloth warms me between my legs.

“I have something for you.” Daddy reaches down under the bed and my eyes light up.

“I love surprises.” I’m giddy when I see the big pink bow that adorns the white box. Immediately I’m thinking clothes. It’s the right size. Maybe a cute t-shirt or more underwear.

“I’ve had this for you for a while. But I was too big and stupid and waited, but here it is. I hope you like it Angel.”

He hands me the box, I don’t waste time getting the bow off and throwing the top off the edge of the bed. Warmth covers me, my heart is in my throat.

“This is...” I can’t find the words.

I pull the dark leather bound book out from the neat tissue paper cover. It smells wonderful, like an old library. The dark front is embossed, I flip open to the cream colored pages, tipped around the edges in a hint of brown.

I don’t know what to say. I’ve never gotten such an amazing, thoughtful gift.

“It’s the first edition in English. I didn’t think the French would be as easy for me to read to you. I don’t think either of us speak French.”

I’m speechless and his smiles lights up the dark hair of his beard.

“Come here. Let’s get you snuggled in and I’ll read you a chapter, how’s that sound?”

I’m in heaven, Daddy reads me the first two chapters because I begged him to keep going after he finished the first. It’s perfect, I lean into this chest, his lips periodically kissing the side of my head or my cheek as he goes. When he takes a breath at the end of chapter two, my stomach roars. A loud growl that makes us both laugh.

“I’m going to go get you something to eat.” He closes the book and sets it on the comforter next to my hip. “You need your nourishment. So just lay here and keep that cloth between your legs a little longer. The medicine will help ease the soreness. I’ll come get you when I’ve got food ready.”

Before I can answer, my stomach growls again in response.

“I guess Daddy knows best.” I mumble on a sigh, grabbing the book and clutching it over my chest.

I smile as Magnus rises from the bed to full height, and his cock does the same right along with him. I’m happy he doesn’t seem at all self conscious about his foot anymore. Not since that first time. I’ve helped him take it off and put it on a couple times now, I think he likes how I kiss him there. I want him to know I love that part of him as much as everything else.

“Don’t you forget it, babygirl.”

I watch as he retreats out the door of the bedroom, a deep sigh falling from my lips and the butterflies fluttering around in my belly. I’m so happy right now, I don’t want this moment to ever end. I just wish my mom could see how happy I am, how things have turned out for me.

I’m almost drifting off to sleep when the sound of my phone breaks through the silence.

Daddy brought my things into the great room when we arrived, and the beeping sound of a few more text messages pulses against my ears. Someone is texting, over and over, all in a row, and I figure it must be Andrea wondering if I’m okay. She probably called the shop to see how it was going with just me and Eddie there, and who knows what he told her.

With a grimace and slow, tentative movements, I manage to get myself off the bed. I tiptoe into the massive great room and hone in on the sound. I can hear clattering and clinking of plates and dishes, food being prepared, coming from down the hall where the kitchen must be, and it makes my stomach turn over again.

Having someone worry about feeding me will be very welcome.

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