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ide and quickly took the bullets out of her gun. Then I moved to the one under her pillow, and the one strapped to the headboard and the one behind the dresser, and the one under the bed.

“Tomorrow, are you going to be with us for the food drive after church?” she called from the bathroom.

Throwing the pistol back under the bed I stood up straighter. “Yeah, why wouldn’t I?”

No answer. What was she doing in there?

Goddamn it. This was more stressful than her actually coming out front and fighting me.

Fuck it. Kicking off my shoes, I moved to my closet. I stripped down and changed into a pair of black pajama bottoms, running my hand through my hair as I joined her in the bathroom.

Her eyes met mine in the bathroom mirror, a toothbrush in her hand and a silk robe now covering her.

“No guns tonight?” I asked her as I grabbed the toothpaste.

Rising her mouth out, she shook her head. “We have a busy day tomorrow and my husband can’t show up with a black eye. Besides, I think you know how pissed I am. That’s good enough.”

“Look at you being all mature.” I smirked as I brushing my teeth.

“Don’t push me!” she snapped and stomped out.

Leaning back, I watched her ass as she left. “What about our other plans for the night?”

“I put lotion by your sink…have fun.”

I looked down and sure enough, there it was and a box of tissues.

After I rinsed my mouth out with her mouthwash, I followed her. I stepped back into the room and she was already in bed.

“Mel, we don’t go to bed angry with each other,” I reminded her as I moved over to my side of the bed.

She didn’t reply.

“Fine. I’ll wait,” I said. I fluffed the pillow behind me and sat up against the headboard.

Again, she said nothing turning off the lights, now the only source of light—the grayish-blue moonlight streaming in from the window.

This was ridiculous. “I took him today because he was ready. He wasn’t in danger, nor would I—”

I froze when I felt the heat in my neck. Reaching up, I touched my skin as a drop of sweat rolled down my face.

She didn’t.

“Ahh…” I hissed at the burning. When I looked at her, she was staring right at me resting her head on her hand, an evil smile played on her lips.

“You should know better than to cross me by now, sweetheart.”



“There’s nothing that makes you more insane than family. Or more happy. Or more exasperated. Or more . . . secure.”

~Jim Butcher


“You did what?”
