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“Yep, this is going to be my last wedding for a while,” Guinevere whispered.

“The only other one I plan to attend is my brother’s.” I glanced to them on the dance floor. “And that might take a while.”

She snickered. “I don’t know, your brother would be a catch.”

“For whom?”

“Oh, come on. He’s young, attractive—”

“Are you asking me to set you up with my brother?”

“God, no. He’s like my little brother; I’m just saying he has charm. Just wait, some girl is going to have him falling hard, faster than you can blink. That’s how love works.”

“You still believe in all that love stuff?” I'd hoped she would be more cynical toward the whole thing. Like I am.

She pointed to Nathaniel and Stephanie on the dance floor. “Of course. I was unlucky. People are sometimes unlucky in love, but I'd rather be unlucky a dozen more times than close myself off and never have the chance to have that with someone.”

“I blame your books,” I replied.

She grinned. “I know, a woman who reads. Gosh. Ha, but, if you want to borrow any—”

“No, thank you.”

“Shame. I find guys who read sexy.”

“So you're saying you want me to fit your idea of sexy?”

She froze and looked directly at me. “That came out wrong.”

“You sure sounded pretty clear to me. What book would you start me off with?”

“You want me to see you as sexy?” She looked confused.

“If everyone woman within my presence does not find me worth drooling over, I’ve failed as a man.”

She pretended to gag.

“Cute,” I replied.

She just drank, looking back at the crowd on the dance floor.

“Please don’t tell me you want to dance.”

“I don’t,” she lied.

Sighing, I stood up, taking her hand.

“No, seriously, I don’t—”

I spun her toward me. “When will you realize I can tell when you’re lying to me? You have to dance at least once at a wedding. Do you know how waltz?” I asked her when the music changed.

“Don’t underestimate me, Dr. Davenport. I took ballroom dancing 101 and 102 in college, and I passed with an A+.”

“I’m so intimidated right now,” I mocked. “Just keep up.”

“Do your worst,” she said, and immediately lifted my arm into the right place.

She always had to challenge me. We started off slowly, her feet following my lead as we moved first right to left, then left back to right.
