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I moved toward Mr. Hamilton, who rose from a chair and smiled at me.

“What was going on out here?”

“We may have forgotten to turn off the audio inside the house,” he said innocently, giving me causal shrug.

“Well, hopefully they start acting a little better now.”

“Yeah, but when did Mr. Darcy change his plan?”


He pulled out a phone. “He texted me he would speak with Deborah and look for a replacement for Alexander at the end of the week.”


“Director, they said they’re ready!” someone yelled from the door.

“Be right there,” he called back. “Thanks, really. You even shocked a few of us back to our senses. I’ll have them put out a chair for you.”

I waved him off, hoping I hadn’t screwed up Theo’s plans.


“She what?” I sat up in bed, cell phone pressed to my ear.

“She didn’t want to go into town. Instead she claimed to be your personal assistant and gave both actors a tongue-lashing the likes of which I’ve never seen, then swore that Darcy Entertainment would sue them for the cost of disrupting the fill schedule,” Nolan said.

If my throat hadn’t hurt so much, I would have laughed. Only she would be bold enough to yell at a two-time Oscar-winning actress.

“How did they take it?”

“Filming has gone on smoothly, and she’s sitting in the corner like a hawk. A few of the staff are even afraid of her.”

Felicity was one of a kind. It seemed like even when she wasn’t working, she still gave herself something to do.

“Thank you, Nolan. Keep me informed if anything changes.”

“Of course, sir.”

Hanging up, I thought of calling her but instead dialed Deborah Day’s agent. Technically Felicity had been wrong. We couldn’t sue Deborah Day personally. And due to her contract, we couldn’t just kick her off the movie. But it seemed she hadn’t read her contract in detail, and I wasn’t about to tell her that.

“Your assistant yelled at my actress,” her agent said when he answered the phone.

“She did, and you should be thankful. This won’t be the third movie Deborah would have been taken off for personal reasons. It’s been six years since her last film. She needs a hit. People are forgetting her name.”

He sighed. “I never said I wasn’t thankful. I told her to do her job. But why are you so involved in this, Mr. Darcy? It isn’t even your movie.”

“Technically any movie by Darcy Entertainment is my movie even if I’m not directing. Just make sure she stays in check. This will get messy otherwise.”

As soon as I hung up, another call came in. My mother. I didn’t want to do this with her now, but she would just keep calling. “Mother.”

“You sound sick.”

I coughed. “I am but getting better.”

“Where are you? I called the office, and they said you were on the set of a movie?”

“I’m in North Carolina. I’m producing a movie.”
