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He nodded.

Taking my bag, I got up to leave.


“Yes?” I sighed, facing him.

“Don’t say ‘we’ as if it were mutual. You broke up with me for no reason other than the fact that you’re scared to be happy. I want to believe in you, but I also have to run this company. Don’t make me explain it again.”

Ass. “Yes, Mr. Darcy. I’ll do my best.”

When I walked outside Walt was already waiting with Tori, who upon seeing me smiled brightly and gave me hug.

“I’m so excited to be working with you,” she said.


“Are you ready? I want to introduce you to the dancers and show you a dry run of everything.”

I followed them, even though my mind was still in that office with Theo.


I wanted her to do this.

Maybe if she did, she could move on. However, if she failed, what if she ended up worse? On top of that, I couldn’t get over the fact I was gambling one of our biggest nights on her.

Knowing she had followed Walt down to the dance hall, I quietly entered the sound booth overlooking the dancers below. She stood in front, watching as one by one, they went through the dance routine. Walt stopped every so often to show her where her cues were along with where the musicians would be with them on stage. She watched intently, nodding at each move.

“You don’t think she can do it?” Tori asked me.

“It’s my job to be critical.” I found myself smiling when Felicity laughed at something, pointing to a spot on stage. I had missed what she had said, but Walt thought about for a moment before nodding and laughing too.

“How did the other dancers take the news? I’m sure Violet’s understudy was not pleased at all.” From what I remembered being with Violet, she always complained the other dancers gave her a hard time, and that was with her rightfully earning the position as lead. With Felicity, I didn’t doubt there would be some hostility.

“You don’t know Walt.” She smiled proudly, and I almost wanted to roll my eyes. “Everyone knows he doesn’t like egos. He tolerated Violet because of your past and her experience. But everyone else? The first day some girls were complaining, and he told them to leave. I’m sure they were pissed, but they won’t say it in front of her or anywhere they could get caught. This is their chance to.”

“Good. I’ll leave you too it, then.”

“What’s going between you two?”


“Liar. You were always the cold and polite Theodore Darcy. You were like a robot even with Violet. Now all of sudden you’re relaxed and being—”

“Tori, there is nothing new about me. Nor is there anything between Ms. Harper and me. She doesn’t know her own feelings.” I muttered the last part under my breath.

“Do you?” She gave me a look I didn’t understand. “Either way, I’m happy she at least made you more human.”

“Make sure to let me know how this is going. Walt might be too blind to see if it’s not the right choice.”

Stepping out, I remembered chasing her down this very same hall a few weeks ago, and she’d told me she would hurt me. I was more annoyed than hurt. But why? She was just a woman.

That wasn’t true.

The more I thought of her and the weeks we’d spent fighting, laughing, screwing, and everything in between, the more I liked her.

Damn it.
